Shonen Reviews
This is definitely one of the most notable anime releases of the year. It focuses on two elite gamers. Both Shiro and Sora, the protagonists, are known as ‘Blank’. They are known for never losing at any game. One day, they are challenged to a game of chess over the computer. After they win, they get pulled into a different world. They soon realize that gaming skill is strength in this world. You can bet anything on games and the Pledges make you uphold your bet or promise no matter what. You can bet practically anything you possess, ranging from money, to even your life. There are many reasons that make NGNL a lovable anime. The plot is really amazing, although it seems very simple, there is so much you can build on to it. This makes for great development as far as the story goes. The art is really vibrant and colourful. What I think really sells this anime are the protagonists. Both Shiro and Sora are truly lovable characters. Both are very pathetic and weak on the inside, but when it comes to games, they are invincible. They are geniuses, and when you look back at each episode, all the techniques they use to win a game seem very logical. They seem very confident
and cool, but you also realize they are very pathetic (they cannot be separated from each other or else they go into nervous breakdown). I really love one of their quotes, “The strong ones sharpen their fangs while the weak sharpen their wisdom.” Both Shiro