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Struggling In Selling ? 7 Fears , Thoughts , And Learnings That Make You Not Thrive

By Herman Githinji
For many decades I have trained and coached many people in salesmanship and management . I have listened to the fears and issues relating to sales , business growth , and management . And since I grew from sales to senior management in various corporates , in Kenya and outside , I have experienced and learned a lot . In my coaching and advice , I have always tried to be as practical as I can , carefully combining theory and what I imagine happens on the ground . Rarely when in that role do you imagine you can be required to go do what you preach .
I am currently in a small hot and humid City in North East Australia called Townsville . I come here quite often , when I have time , to help my brother with a business he started . They started manufacturing and selling coffee syrups . Coffee is a big business in Australia , and most people want their coffee with flavored liquid sugar . When I come here , my main work is to plan and help with business growth , and especially going out to introduce the syrups
( Stellar Syrups ) to new markets .
My day-to-day job is therefore a simple salesmanship job of prospecting , creating awareness , and selling the syrups . When I wake up every day , I put myself in the shoes of all the people I coach and train , especially in salesmanship . Those shoes remind me that on the ground things are harder than it sounds in theory . The hard part is not in applying the sales knowledge but in managing what I feel , think , and react to all that I face out there while selling . What I am learning is that , no matter the level of knowledge , or the experience , we all go through the same inner feelings , fears , and thoughts . I will therefore share with you my feelings , thoughts , failures , and fears and how I am trying to overcome them every day as I go out to sell .
Fear of Rejection
We all fear rejection . Every day , I have to walk in different Cafes , and different cities talking to different people . I went to sell

Sometimes we give up easily because we have other options . So it ’ s wise to lock yourself into one indelible option and stick in there . When the idea of quitting crosses your mind , remind yourself that this is what we chose and has its seasons too . So , don ’ t give up , you may give in when a breakthrough is just around the corner . the syrups with an old Australian guy who feared rejection . He discouraged me from walking into Cafes to prospect because he thought it was a waste of time . And true to his word I was rejected by several customers . I remember a lady who saw me entering her café with the samples and before I could open my mouth she said , “ Sorry we don ’ t need your syrups .” I felt bad but that didn ’ t bother me . I walked out gathered my courage , and walked to the next cafe . As a salesperson , you will be told off many times but that should never discourage you .

Thinking that your work is to make a sale
I know that my main work is to finally make a sale , but I don ’ t want that goal to be on top of my mind every time I go out to see customers . Psychologically shifting my objectives from selling to having healthy conversations makes me not be discouraged from making my customer visits especially when the sales are not coming through as fast . Besides focusing on immediate sales , I also emphasize brand awareness , prospecting , and creating bonds for future sales . By switching my objective from selling to visiting customers and having a good chat , I renew my energy , and purpose , and that keeps me going in difficult times .
Thinking that you are not worth it
Sometimes we overthink how people view us or think about us . As a salesperson , this may cross your mind and create selfdoubt . It could be that you are going to prospect to people of higher social status or different races , and you may feel inadequate in one way or the other .
04 MAL58 / 24 ISSUE