This is totally inconsistent with the new constitution which Kenyans fought for and inadvertently proves his case of judiciary incompetence . Which judge , in his right mind and training , had the nerve to draft such an affront on the rights of the people ?
What is incongruent and disturbing is that the Grand Mullah has been saying exactly what the president and his cohorts have been traversing the country saying and repeating to all and sundry at every available opportunity .
The judiciary decides to seek audience with the president to iron out the genesis of his complains and threats not no obey court orders . This in itself puts the judiciary in a compromising position and raises a serious doubt on its supposed independence .
Why was this avenue of conflict resolution not availed to the Grand Mullah , or are we saying there are different applications of the law depending on status and financial prowess . Isn ’ t this already a definition of corruption .
At the conclusion of these unprecedented talks between independent arms of the government , we did not hear a joint declaration of all parties affirming their respect to the principles of democracy and allegiance to the constitution .
What we did hear was the raft of goodies and perks that the judiciary got from the talks as if this was the reason that the rapprochement talks had been held . The president had declared that he would not bribe the judiciary .
Why does this look like a bribe ?
What is even more damning is the fact that a matter of serious public interest regarding the unwanted and unjustifiable housing fund tax which had been halted by the courts was conveniently allowed . A real quid pro quo .
When Kenyans woke up one day to the reality that GMOs that had been banned and vigorously resisted by the public had been made legal , they did not realize that they had given consent to a GMO democracy .
To change even a comma in the constitution requires a referendum to seek the consent of the people . Have we just witnessed the birth of a negotiated democracy which is in effect a referendum without the people .
It is extremely interesting to note that the president who has been accusing the judiciary of being a cesspool of vested interests and corrupt judges did not flinch to present himself before them to resolve the contested elections .
When did he discover that these judges were not to be trusted and they were simply out to frustrate his legacy projects and deny Kenyan youth the crucial service delivery . Did he close his eyes when it suited him and opened them when he wishes to break the law ?
The executive bought the legislature by buying off representatives of the people from opposition parties and independents to his coalition , in effect killing the opposition while trumpeting his support for a vibrant opposition to keep the government in check .
He has the majority in the house and can therefore , with impunity , pass any law that he deems necessary to achieve his ends . That is how he pushed through the unpopular finance bill that is the cause of the current Kenyan financial pains .
He then went all out to discredit the judiciary who had had the audacity of halting his beloved financial bill which every Kenyan knew was going to heap hot coals on their heads . An intimidated judiciary finally acquiesced to his demands .
All this was achieved with an excellent public relation stunt that blamed the current financial mess in Kenya to the last administration and hoodwinking Kenyans to believe that he is simply correcting the malfeasance of his predecessor .
Kenyans were dismayed when he appointed incompetent individuals to his cabinet but that only translates to the fact that only one individual is making all the decisions in Kenya . Power is now resolutely resident in one individual in Kenya .
What we are witnessing is a calculated and intense attack on democracy by incapacitating the pillars of democracy and concentrating real power in only one individual . Kenyans need to be extremely afraid . We are creating a monster , a cunning autocrat while applauding !
All the arms of government have become fawning cheerleaders to the supreme ruler !