Crossfire | Page 7

It might sound funny , but I feel that all the time , however , that doesn ’ t stop me from going in and making a pitch . The fact is that most customers understand what ’ s going on in your mind and admire the courage and determination that we demonstrate when the odds are against us .
Failing to start ; to make that first step
We all need a push . We all feel lethargic about doing the right things when faced with an enormous task . When we have to go to open a new market , to look for new customers , or to discuss new and stretching targets with distributors we need to do those easy beginning tasks to gather momentum . When I was working with Unga Group , there was this big task of going to look for business from one big client . The idea of where and how to start gave me goosebumps . So , I broke the task into smaller tasks . I visited them and left our business brochure and my business card . I later called to make an appointment . From there I was already into the task and I finally got the business .
Giving up too easily and too early
A sales job is not for the fainthearted . You need to have both tenacity and resilience . When you experience a difficult customer or a bad day , put it behind you and move on . A sales career is made of seasons . At
EABL in Meru , despite doing everything right , I missed my targets for four straight months and my job was at risk . In that moment I felt like quitting and possibly changing my career . But I had no option and I persevered . In the following six months , I was the best-performing sales representative . Sometimes we give up easily because we have other options . So it ’ s wise to lock yourself into one indelible option and stick in there . When the idea of quitting crosses your mind , remind yourself that this is what we chose and has its seasons too . So , don ’ t give up , you may give in when a breakthrough is just around the corner .
Waiting for others or the management to do the big activity
When sales are not happening and we become hopeless , we try to clutch on one straw called an excuse . I remember in a review meeting when I was a sales rep at EABL and I was way behind my targets . I blamed my nonperformance on the Marketing department for not carrying out the Tusker Malt Larger promotions they had scheduled . The absurdity was I was forty-five percent out of my targets and the contribution of Tusker Malt Larger to my entire target was only ten percent . That meant even if the promotions happened , I still would have been thirty-five percent behind my targets . We should not sit on our hands waiting for the bigger support to happen . Today , I carry out sales activities that are within my abilities and with the tools I have at my disposal right now to make the possible difference .
Not making use of colleagues and sales management
As a team , we have different skills but share the same goal . Some may be very good at prospecting and narrowing on leads , and others very good at closing a sale . Closing a sale requires a different skill and most people struggle with it . Closing big sales may need the presence of senior managers or even the managing director . Those big clients may not have time for back-and-forth meetings to allow you to seek some approvals . One big and busy prospect here in Australia allowed me to go pitch . I got all the senior managers required to make onthe-spot decisions to accompany me . At the end of the meeting , we got the deal and it was credited to me . Use of senior management is a free resource at your disposal ; latch on it .
Herman Githinji is a seasoned Management Consultant . You can commune with him on this and related issues via email on : Hermangithinji @ gmail . com .