MAL52:23 | Page 10

When you master the virtue of contentment , people start thinking you have everything . Contentment doesn ’ t cancel desire ; it cancels that aimless chase for money , the rat race that happens when you draw more satisfaction from wealth accumulation than from using it to make your life easier or better . growth . The most critical areas of personal development are ; physical , mental , material , social , and spiritual . We all know the importance of looking after our physical being . Our body is the driver of all the other goals , and when it ’ s unable to move , the entire plan slows down or comes to a halt . So , have vital objectives and plans to take care of your physical health , eat well , take regular medical tests , exercise regularly , and groom yourself . Make your body on the inside feel just as good as it looks on the outside .

Setting Goals For A Life Full Of Satisfaction And Contentment

By Herman Githinji
2023 is a new year and a critical mark of the passage of time , also signaling that we are growing older . Every new year is a reminder that life happens no matter what we do within the year with ourselves . I am saying that irrespective of how you spend your year , you are growing older and maybe not necessarily becoming better . So , each birthday or a beginning of a new year should be an excellent time to step aside from day-to-day life and reflect .
I have personally lost discipline , but when I was younger , I could take valuable time every new year to reflect on my past and future . I would seek to answer the following questions : Am I growing older and becoming a better person ? Am I developing my life in the most critical areas ? Am I prioritizing and spending time doing the most important things that will positively impact my life ? What ’ s my main objective in life ? What do I want to achieve ?
Being too philosophical about life won ’ t make sense , but it ’ s crucial to keep reflecting on these critical questions as the years move on . Reflecting on our past actions and consequences indicates how good or bad we navigate our lives based on the parameters we have set for ourselves . The reflection or review of the past gives you a wake-up call if you don ’ t like where you are . And as the saying goes , the best time to plant a tree was ten years ago ; the next best time is now . It ’ s never too late .
Granted , no one but God knows what the future holds and how things will unfold , but that does not mean we don ’ t plan . I have met very successful people who make yearly plans and then fast and pray that the will of God may reign beside the plans . Another rich man told me he lives life as if he will never die . That ’ s an excellent personal motivation that makes him wake up every day and go for more incredible and bigger things . On the flip side , it is folly to live with a false illusion of the nonexistence of what is ultimately imminent and inevitable . So , when you approach life knowing that death will happen , the will of God and the values guiding your life matters .
When you reflect on your life and how you are growing , think about all-rounded

When you master the virtue of contentment , people start thinking you have everything . Contentment doesn ’ t cancel desire ; it cancels that aimless chase for money , the rat race that happens when you draw more satisfaction from wealth accumulation than from using it to make your life easier or better . growth . The most critical areas of personal development are ; physical , mental , material , social , and spiritual . We all know the importance of looking after our physical being . Our body is the driver of all the other goals , and when it ’ s unable to move , the entire plan slows down or comes to a halt . So , have vital objectives and plans to take care of your physical health , eat well , take regular medical tests , exercise regularly , and groom yourself . Make your body on the inside feel just as good as it looks on the outside .
Mental growth is essential because it indicates how well you develop your ability to communicate with the world around you . You are who you are because of what you feed into your brains . Remember , during birth , your brain was blank , but it has been fed with lots of information that determine the quality of your decisions and view of life . Therefore , you must constantly develop your brain ’ s capacity and filter the information you receive , feed , and retain . Read relevant books , listen to helpful information , remove junk , and keep only the most valuable materials in your brain .
Set out critical goals of what you want to acquire to be comfortable . Material growth is good because it makes our lives comfortable and enjoyable . So , plan how you will accumulate wealth over time . If you are an employee , plan how you will work hard and get the subsequent pay rise , promotion , or bonus . If you are in business , plan how you will retain and grow your wealth . But be careful not to get into an endless chase of wealth and despair . That rat race happens when you draw more satisfaction from wealth accumulation than from using it to make your life easier or better . That doesn ’ t mean you don ’ t aspire to
10 MAL52 / 23 ISSUE