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hopefully inspires and provides a clear path for 3-5 years . This clarity makes it easier for teams to rally behind the vision and for it to be realized once it is understood .
Managing Self
To be able to effectively manage oneself , one must understand ones strengths and areas of limitation . With great self-awareness comes level headedness and the ability to offer clear judgement . This also allows the leader to remain focused . It is important to build a good support system both at work and on a personal level .
However , it is never that easy to just focus on these tasks and become successful . There are challenges that any new leader will face as they take on a new role . Common pitfalls that all new managers face as they take on a new role , as articulated in the book include : coming in with all the answers ; attempting to do too much too quickly ; not effectively preparing for the new role before taking it up ; becoming isolated ; not managing expectations of the new role well . The list can go on .
Ritu Mehrish ( Leadership Troubleshooter : Executive and Team Coach , Global Speaker , Author ) in her published article on LinkedIn very beautifully outlined the key shifts that are needed to demonstrate lasting impact and performance . As shown in the chart at the top .
Can you relate with these ? I know I can . Especially point 5 . In all previous roles , I was a leader of members from the same skill set . The leadership style needed to
lead managers of managers requires some adjustment . This realization came very quickly , and my coach helped me navigate this .
So how then do we manage all these and deliver results as new leaders . This is the core part of the book . Dan and Michel take time through the book to share practical examples on how to navigate this by deep diving 7 fundamental principles for managing leadership transitions . I will mention the seven principles in brief in the hope that you will find the book and get more insights .
• A new leader has two to three years to make measurable progress in changing the culture and improving financial performance .
• On arrival , the new leader should already understand the organization ’ s current strategy and associated goals and challenges and should have formed hypothesis about its operating priorities . During the first six months , these hypotheses must be tested and either validated or changed .
• New leaders must balance an intense , single-minded focus on a few vital priorities with flexibility about when and how they are implemented .
• Within the first six months , the new leader must make key decisions about the ‘ organizational architecture ’ of people , structure , and systems . Most crucially , the new leader must decide whether the composition of the inherited team is appropriate , and whether the organizational structure must change .
• By the end of the first six months , the new leader must also have built some personal credibility and momentum . Early wins are crucial , as is beginning to lay a foundation for sustained improvements in performance .
• The new leader must earn the right to transform the organization . The initial mandate from the Board and CEO is never sufficient , nor will it remain static . It must be diligently and regularly reassessed . The new leader must also work actively to build coalitions supportive of change .
• There is no single best way to manage a leadership transition . New leaders ’ approaches will inevitably be shaped by the situations they face , their prior experience and their leadership styles .
I found this book useful in creating points of reflection . If you are in a new role , in your current or new organization , or moving to a new location to take on a new role , then this book is highly recommended . The book is available in our local bookshops and on Amazon . I welcome your perspective on the challenges of taking on a new role and how you have navigated this journey .
Fawzia Ali-Kimanthi is the Ag . Chief Consumer Business Officer , Safaricom PLC . You can commune with her on this or related matters on email at : Fawziakimanthi @ gmail . com .