MAL52:23 | Page 11

Have vital objectives and plans to take care of your physical health , eat well , take regular medical tests , exercise regularly , and groom yourself . Make your body on the inside feel just as good as it looks on the outside .
go for the world if opportunities open up . Nevertheless , when you master the virtue of contentment , people start thinking you have everything . Contentment doesn ’ t cancel desire ; it cancels that aimless chase for money .
Human beings are mainly social animals ; we need to relate , talk to each other , feel one another , and feed to and from each other . So , no matter how self-sufficient you are , you will need companionship or relations with other people at one time or the other . As you reflect on your life this year , plan how to build your connections with family and friends . Call a few friends weekly , have scheduled catch-up meetings with family and friends , and join some social games and clubs . The point is to be deliberate about building valuable relationships with people who matter to you . And people who matter are not only people you may need but also people who may need you .
All the plans we have discussed thus far are focused on making us richer towards physical , knowledge , and earthly materials . But remember the rich fool in the Bible , Luke 12 : 20-21 “ But God said to him , ‘ you fool ! This very night your life will be demanded from you . Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself ?’ This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God .” Therefore , as we plan to grow rich

Have vital objectives and plans to take care of your physical health , eat well , take regular medical tests , exercise regularly , and groom yourself . Make your body on the inside feel just as good as it looks on the outside .
in all other areas , let ’ s not forget to grow rich towards who holds our lives and future . This year , have plans to develop your relationship with your God too . Read the Bible , go to church , pray , fast , and whatever else you endeavor as long as it ’ s making you rich toward God .
As you make plans for this new year , think of these physical , mental growth , material , and social facets as pillars supporting your life . Prioritize and put more effort into one or two pillars based on where you currently are in your life , but let the guardrails be your spiritual values . Let the spiritual plans be the foundation on which the other pillars will be grounded . Approaching life this way helps you focus on doing the right things , eventually yielding a purposeful life full of personal fulfillment and satisfaction .
Now that you know the right things to focus on , nothing much is achieved by simply acquiring the knowledge . Success is achieved by doing . Naturally , we all hate to do the hard but correct things . Successful people force themselves to do the right but hard things .
This year , let ’ s propose to put a brick every day onto each of these pillars . Be diligent and resilient so you won ’ t drop the ball a few months into the journey . Make it a lifestyle that every day , you ’ re making some steps towards becoming richer in all these critical aspects of life , and God willing , let ’ s compare notes next year .
Herman Githinji is a Management Consultant and a Director at Rhombus Ready Mix Concrete Company . You can commune with him on this and related issues via email on : Hermangithinji @ gmail . com .
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