il dna maimeri
maimeri dna
The model for DNA, the genetic code of human
beings, depicts entwining parallel lines
forming a dual spiral, a double helix
that develops, interlaces and evolves.
Each curve, each twist, is a step in which
to read what the code contains: a memory
of something. Something that proved efficient
in a generation, something that will be found
in following generations.
A company, too, has aspects reminiscent
of human beings: at bottom, it’s always
a matter of human creations, of human
organizations… So you can certainly say that
a company has a genetic code, a DNA.
As DNA, the sublime qualities of late
19 th -century Italian entrepreneurship flowed
into Gianni Maimeri, an artist able to combine
genius, invention and enterprise with his
prime vocation, painting. From these elements
was born the company that bears his name,
enriching itself at every turn, every twist
of new elements, in a continual evolution
reproducing essentially the same code.
A code transmitted through generations
of workers, thanks to son Leone and grandson
Gianni who succeeded him.
And in the end, what is DNA but something
akin to a formula? It’s the replication
of an ensemble of elements, of ingredients,
which, skillfully mixed and worked, create
a preparation, a product, a colour, a chromatic
impasto… And so it’s a pleasure to think that
even the most secret formula of an ingenious
painter can still live on, more than a century
later, in the colour squeezed out
on an artist’s palette…
Gianni Maimeri, Dipinto per un manifesto
pubblicitario, 1924
Oil on canvas, 100x69,5 cm
Alessandro Gedda, Dipinto per un manifesto
pubblicitario, 2012
Oil on canvas, 100x70 cm