Magnetic Tape No.5 05 | Page 12

MAGNETIC TAPE ZINE You released your first full length last year, with no releases I can track down before this, were you sitting on a large amount of songs with a full-length in mind, or did your plan for how you were going to release music evolve? WELL, THEN YOU BETTER DO YOUR RESEARCH BETTER SONNAYYY. Nah I’m kidding, we took it down, but we had a four song demo with the secret track at the end of Stop Breathing called 'Friends', 'American Spirits' was on it and then two other songs. One of them was called 'Spiders' and we just re-recorded it for a Topshelf Recs SXSW split. Everyone asks for that EP and I’m like “Why? we re-recorded all the songs and they’re better now”. We had released ‘Spencer Green’ as a single before our first longer tour which got the attention of Broken World and I had kind of known Derrick (ShanholtzerDvorak, of The World Is... and Broken World Media owner) from Connecticut too. We then released Hell in the fall as a single, then were just trying to finish up the record. That was a really strange time for all of us, I remember. Matt and our bassist at the time, Christian, were in a million bands, and our drummer at the time, Chris, was in one other country band that he was in prior to us, and it eventually got to be too much for him so he left. But the point is that we sat on that recor