Magnetic Tape No.5 05 | Page 11

SPRING 2014 How did Donovan Wolfington come together as a band? Page 10 In a land far, far away called Loyola University in New Orleans, about 3 and half years ago, Matt and I met at orientation. He was wearing a Pavement shirt and everyone else was really weird, so I said “Hey, I like your shirt.” and then we talked for hours about music. Or it seemed that way. Matt gets very excited about things and is very enthusiastic when he talks about things he enjoys. But either way we eventually got to school and life was miserable. It was the opposite of “NEW ORLEANS IS IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE BUT WHAT I LOVE IS THE COMMUNITY ASPECT OF OUR SCENE. IT’S NOT SOMETHING LIKE PHILADELPHIA WHERE THERE ARE SICK SHOWS ALL THE TIME, BUT IT MAKES FOR THE DRIVE TO TRY HARDER AT MAKING SOMETHING REALLY SPECIAL...” summer camp and everyone seemed like a dick. So I eventually met up with Matt and started jamming some songs with him. We both liked each other's songs so we were like "fuck it let’s do both." I met Savannah somewhere along the way and she was a vocal major. I was like, “Yo, wanna be in this band?” and she was like "sure". We had a bunch of different members before the line up we have now, and we didn’t really know what we were getting into/doing until the songs started to get better, but we’re having more fun now then I think we’ve ever had before. Creative Common’s license; Paul J Everett Our new drummer is one of my friends from Connecticut which is where I grew up, and he just moved in with me, and our new bassist, we don’t really know who it’s gonna be yet, but we’ve been jamming with some homies and it’s been really refreshing. Our new bassist is Batman actually. So you better watch your shit.