Magnetic Tape No.5 05 | Page 13

SPRING 2014 Page 12 What can we expect from the new record? A lot of different things. We’ve been listening to a lot of new and interesting stuff, but I guess people should just expect a dope rock record to the best of our ability. Not lo-fi or anything weird like that. It’s going to be the best thing we’ve ever put out. But that’s also pointless to say because if you’re in a band and you put out something that wasn’t as good as the thing before it then you should probably stop or take a break or something. We’re not there yet. The atmosphere for new and upcoming bands seems a little different to what’s happening over here in the UK, could you explain what you do and don’t like about your local scene? How so over there? I feel like the grass is always greener on the other side... but I don’t like the fact that New Orleans is in the middle of nowhere. What I love is the community aspect of our scene. It’s not something like Philadelphia where there are sick shows all the time, but it makes for the drive to try harder at making something really special as opposed to just starting a band just to play shows or whatever. That happens a lot here too but their usually funk bands or something that I’m not really that into. Do you have any plans to tour over here in the UK on the horizon? Dude, absolutely. We would kill to go over there. It’s just a matter of time and getting all the stuff together. We wanna go to Europe so badly!!! At earliest, August of this year but it’s VERY up in the air. What do you most enjoy about being Donovan Wolfington and the success that has come with it? Having something to be proud of and playing live shows. Touring mostly. Traveling is the coolest thing ever. I wanna go everywhere. And what’s been tough for you guys about your experience so far? Being from New Orleans and all of the member changes definitely. Being from New Orleans is weird because New Orleans is the best ever, but it is in the middle of nowhere. There aren’t really any amazing or happening cities 4 hours in either direction, so it makes touring a little tougher, thus making it harder to get things done and be able to tour constantly. The member changes should be for obvious reasons.