By: Mariam Retamoza
1. What is it to be a Cetys Ambassador?
Being a CETYS Ambassador is a really cool way to see the school. I get to tell everyone what is
like to be a student of Cetys, making a lot of fun activities such as videos, interviews and tours.
2. How do you become a Cetys Ambassador?
I became a CETYS Ambassador because one of the girls from the department talked to me
about this project and they saw the potential I had to tell my experience in High School.
3. What are your responsibilities as a Cetys Ambassador?
To be an example student to others and to every now and then tell the social media what I am up
4. Since when do you join the Ambassador’s group?
I joined the Ambassadors group about less than a year ago.
5. Are you happy being part of it?
I am really happy and thankful for this amazing experience.
6. Do you recommend joining the group?
I highly recommend to be a CETYS Ambassador, but I must say that is a responsibility that is not
for everyone.
7. Name some of the activities this group is part of:
The school’s newspaper and share what is going on in our lives as students.
8. What are the perks of being a Cetys Ambassador?
The perks are that you get to know different face of the community, you start being really proud
and happy about Cetys and I got the chance to meet many beautiful people.