Magazine Communication Magazine Communication | Page 8

Media: What are the media? A communication medium is a technical system used to be able to carry out any type of communication. This term usually refers to mass media, that is, those whose communication extends to the masses. However, there are media that are established in small groups of people and are exclusively interpersonal in nature. The clearest example of this is the telephone. How did the media emerge? The printing press, originally invented by Gutenberg, is considered the massive beginning, the historical fact that gave rise to the circulation of millions of pamphlets and newspapers. However, there are other scholars on the origin of the media who point out that in the past the figure of the "town crier" was dedicated to announcing the main news, regardless of the newspaper’s material support. The word of mouth was for them the origin of the transmission of myths and fables, and at the same time the way to affirm certain social values and a set of shared ideas. In our societies these channels are the way people interact by sharing patterns in common. These means of communication are the materialization of the need that people have to relate. Through them a general opinion is formed at a given moment about knowledge, and judgments about the reality around us.