Mack Road Partnership | Annual Report 2012 | June 2012 | Page 4


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According to the Miriam Webster Dictionary , the word change is defined as “ To make different or alter in some particular fashion ; to make radically different or transform ; to give a different position , course , or direction to .” Real and permanent change often comes out of a traumatic event or a series of smaller , yet still difficult , challenges which cause one to examine one ’ s course . After a strenuous effort by the city and concerned local property owners , the Mack Road Partnership was approved in late 2010 and funded in 2011 . As the newest of the 13 Property Based Business Improvement Districts ( PBID ) in the Sacramento area , the corridor had a healthy helping of issues to address .
The years leading up to the formation and funding of the partnership saw property owners facing a grim reality . Property values and market rents suffered the effects of the real estate market collapse , crime was on the rise , and customers were in short supply as area residents spoke with their wallets by shopping elsewhere . Long-standing tenants also felt the pinch and several area “ institutions ” closed their doors . Our plazas began to show the beginnings of blight as empty storefronts multiplied and vacant buildings became more common . With the first round of funding set for calendar year 2011 , we were hopeful that the Mack Road Partnership could make a change for the better .
I am pleased to say that , by all accounts , our decision to support the PBID concept with our dollars , and for some our time , is paying dividends ! The Partnership has cleaned up the litter , installed trash receptacles at high impact locations , cut down the weeds , painted out the graffiti , added a feeling of safety by installing 24 hour security and defined our current borders with boundary signs . Area residents have noticed , and they are thrilled to see revitalization at work in the area . Many of you will have noticed them , as customers , coming back to shop at your stores . Some of this is most certainly due to a more stable economy , but a large part is due to the efforts of the Partnership . As a direct result of our efforts , property and business owners are finding a renewed sense of pride in the area , and occupancy rates are on the rise .
I have long said that it is my desire for our district to be the gateway to and the hub of the South Sacramento Business Community .
We have so much to offer : reasonable rents ; easy freeway access ; good public transit routes and a willing group of area residents eager to shop locally .
As we round the corner into 2013 , I am pleased to say that we are making progress towards that vision . By working together with our Executive Director , the Board has crafted a path forward which will revitalize the district and renew the enthusiasm of our stakeholders . We are excited about the plans we ’ ve made to give a different position , course and direction to the Mack Road corridor , and we are reinvigorated by the positive changes we ’ ve seen so far . Stay tuned ! We have plenty more in store .
President , Mack Road Partnership