We WILL be proactive in determining the future of mack road .
In order to protect their investment , parcel owners must take part in the process that determines how new development projects are implemented . The Mack Road Partnership is the vehicle which allows these owners to lead and shape future developments .
We WILL attract new business and investment throughout mack road .
If Mack Road is to compete as a successful commercial district , it must develop its own well financed , proactive strategy to retain businesses and tenants as well as attract new business and investment . The Mack Road Partnership provides the financial resources to develop and implement a focused strategy that will work to fill vacancies and attract new businesses to all areas of Mack Road .
We WILL create an opportunity for a unified voice for Mack Road .
Because parcel owners invest financial resources through the Partnership , they are looked upon as a strong partner in negotiations with the City . This partnership has the ability to leverage the parcel owners ’ investment with additional public investment in Mack Road . Both property and business owners are united under the Partnership ’ s umbrella , which approaches the public sector with a viable and unified private sector voice .
We WILL establish private sector management and accountability .
As the non-profit , private-sector business organization formed for the sole purpose of improving Mack Road , we manage the services provided through the oversight of an Executive Director . Annual Partnership work plans and budgets are vetted by a board composed of stakeholders that own businesses and property in the Mack Road area . New marketing and promotion services are subject to private sector performance standards , controls and accountability . The Executive Director and staff of the Partnership have responsibility for promoting and enhancing the desirability of the Mack Road area .