eXeCUTIVe DIreCTOr ’ S meSSage
Mack Road : Advocating for a Vibrant Community
Generally , experts agree that to accomplish the goal of restoring prosperity and increasing return on investment , a vibrant community must be built . While the definition of what makes a community vibrant can be hard to pin down , there are some commonly accepted traits .
Those who live , shop or work in vibrant communities cite a bond or sense of belonging among the people who frequent them . They knit together through common culture , values , shared goals or the desire to overcome a common challenge . Vibrant communities contain both children and the elderly , green space for recreation , and services such as access to proper nutrition , healthcare and shelter . The most vibrant communities have a combination of live and work space within their boundaries , and residents and shoppers share the bond of common experiences . They work together to support each other , create things to make their lives better , and advocate toward better conditions based on their common understanding of each other ’ s reality . Truly vibrant communities create healthy living conditions for residents and a locally rooted , healthy economy .
Do you recognize it ? I have just described the Mack Road Partnership ! While we clearly have work to do , we already have most of the required architecture in place . The residential communities fronting Mack Road and the surrounding neighborhoods provide a built in customer base for our businesses and feed our local economy . We have a wealth of “ mom and pop ” shops and a great selection of merchants and service providers to serve our diverse population . Our neighborhoods are full of children as well as a vibrant cadre of empowered adults and seniors who live , shop and serve in the community . Our clergy and our teachers are involved , and we are all rowing in the same direction . It ’ s exciting !
As a change agent and your advocate , the Mack Road Partnership is dedicated to restoring the area that our parents and grandparents cherished . With your help , we will foster an environment that supports local business , encourages strong families and mentors responsible children . We are fortunate to have a solid team of property and business owners , civil servants and residents who are invested , both literally and figuratively , in our success . I am honored to be your advocate .
Yours in vibrancy !
Executive Director