Luxury Hoteliers Magazine 2nd Quarter 2020 | Page 16

VALENTINA DE SANTIS OWNER & CEO OF GRAND HOTEL TREMEZZO, LAKE COMO, ITALY WHAT IS THE STATUS AT YOUR PROPERTY? The property is currently closed and has not yet reopened for the 2020 season. The issued lockdown in the Lombardy region happened before our planned start of the season, which was supposed to be on March 13. At the moment we don’t know when we’ll be able to open, but the hotel is perfectly ready down to every last detail - we simply need to open our doors and fill it with fresh flowers and welcome our guests - the fresh flowers and guests are the only things missing. The team is waiting to be called to start and the hotel is ready to re-open as soon as we can. WHAT HAVE BEEN SOME OF THE CHALLENGES YOU ARE FACING AND HOW ARE YOU ADDRESSING THEM? We are facing the same challenges as every other hotel right now, I think. We don’t have guests, we don’t have new requests - but the biggest challenge we are facing, that I think the industry and world is facing is the uncertainty. We are in the heart of the biggest crisis in the world and the biggest challenge is not knowing when this will pass. It makes it so we can’t have a proper plan as we don’t know how the world will be after this - I hope it will be a better world in some ways but of course there will be new rules and behaviors. DO YOU ANTICIPATE A STRONG REBOUND? Unfortunately, I don’t have the tools to anticipate what tomorrow will hold. I’ve studied and read many articles, expert studies and interviews but don’t have the power to see into the future. However, I believe in our industry, believe in travel and the immense joy that travel brings people. I think that travel is the most enriching and powerful activity that a person can do. The feelings, joy, experiences and memories that travel brings to people are so precious that I think it will be one of the primary needs once everything re-starts. I truly believe in a strong rebound - as soon as people have the chance to do it, travel will start again. WHAT IS YOUR STRATEGY OVER THE NEXT FEW MONTHS? We are not changing our approach or positioning, nor have we created a super-detailed strategy for the future as we don’t know what it holds for us. The strategy we are taking right now is to remain in close contact with our guests, our partners, and our agents. We are sharing the lives of our team on Instagram and eager to hear about the lives of our guests and partners. We are living in a very Italian way by putting the heart, relationships, feelings, and the connections as first priority. It isn’t a strategy, it’s really our way of life. We are ready to re-start, stronger than ever - we have more energy and passion than ever and ready to welcome the world into our hotel, to our lake, to our beautiful region, and to our beautiful country - to make our guests feel at home, loved and enriched. 16 ILHA