Luxury Hoteliers Magazine 2nd Quarter 2020 | Page 15

KAREN WHITT VP OF SALES & MARKETING AT THE PALMS AND THE SHORE CLUB, TURKS AND CAICOS WHAT IS THE STATUS AT YOUR RESORT? The Hartling Group manages three resorts in Turks and Caicos Islands, The Sands at Grace Bay, The Palms Turks and Caicos and The Shore Club Long Bay Beach. Currently, all resorts are closed; PLS international airport was closed on March 24th, and expected to reopen on April 14th, and the government has also mandated a 24-hour curfew for the country which began on Friday, March 27th and is currently slated to end in conjunction with the reopening of the airport on April 14th. WHAT HAVE BEEN SOME OF THE CHALLENGES YOU ARE FACING AND HOW ARE YOU ADDRESSING THEM? Given that hospitality and tourism account for approximately 85% of our GDP, our primary source of revenue has been stifled, and one of the greatest challenges we face now is retaining our staff. Many of us are working from home and we are trying to keep our teams together as best as possible, but as the dynamic around the world changes so rapidly it’s difficult to know how to plan for the future. We remain optimistic, and in the meantime, those who can continue to work on initiatives remotely are doing so with the full support of leadership. We are also working in conjunction with other partners on the island to provide food and basic essentials to some of those staff with great needs. One such project is the “Staples Mission,” where we will provide care packages that would include 20 to 30 essential items that would help to at least keep food on the table. We’re trying to be proactive with these initiatives, which can help with the most basic needs and hopefully provide a small level of comfort to those in greatest need. Another challenge, which I also view as an opportunity, is that of “communication.” In the hospitality industry, we are surrounded by each other on a daily basis and it has been unique working in isolation. As a team we have utilized a number of different platforms to stay connected including Zoom, Google Meets and Instagram, and we are connecting with each other almost daily as we work together to formulate our strategies for reopening. DO YOU ANTICIPATE A STRONG REBOUND? While once considered a luxury, travel today is a way of life. It is so valuable in uniting the world and connecting with yourself and your friends and family. Of course, no one really knows the course of this crisis, but we feel that once we have a green light from the medical professionals and the government entities that it’s ok to travel again, that people will focus on easy-to-get-to destinations and opportunities to relax. The Caribbean would seem to be a very good choice and appealing as it is well-suited for all types of travelers and accessible from so many destinations. We do anticipate a strong rebound, the question is how long this rebound might take. Persons will undoubtedly be seeking peace of mind, and safety, and seamless opportunities to ease back into their normal recreational and cultural activities. WHAT IS YOUR STRATEGY OVER THE NEXT FEW MONTHS? For the immediate term, our first goal is to remain connected internally and externally. This includes communicating with our management teams, travel partners, stakeholders and guests. We have utilized technology as a platform for some creative online sessions like cyber happy hours with travel partners, and a lot of personal care calls and outreach. Our teams are busy working on short and medium-term plans which include staying healthy, staying together and remaining positive and optimistic. This will help keep us in a better place to react appropriately when the time is right. As a favored destination we will do our best to remain relevant and as a company, when we feel we can begin to establish some sense of rebound we will be ready to do what we do best, providing amazing and memorable experiences! ILHA 15