Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation 2019 Worship Invitation | Page 6

Our Synodically Authorized Minister Candidates: Chris Edmonds, Pete Farm, and Tim Scott share The role of Synodically Author- ized Ministers (SAM’s) was originally conceptualized as a lay person with enough theological training to preside over worship during the absence of a pastor. As a shortage of pastors has made filling interim positions harder, SAM’s have also recently been authorized to fill short-term Interim positions as needed. In order to become a SAM, can- didates dedicate a significant amount of time and scholarship to learn about theology and min- istry. They complete 3 years of training. During each of these years, they take 3 classes, each one twelve weeks long, and they attend bi-annual retreats, in addi- tion to any electives they may choose to add on. In these clas- ses, they learn about everything from the Reformation, interpret- ing the Word, worship practices, and the theology behind sacra- ments like Baptism and Com- munion. They then utilize all of these skills to serve the congre- gations in their community through leadership and Ministry. At the Lutheran Church of Ma- homet, we are lucky enough to have 3 SAM Candidates working through this extensive process. Chris Edmonds, Pete Farm, and Tim Scott have all been dedicat- ing their time to the SAM pro- cess, in addition to all of the work they have been doing with- in the church to lead special wor- ship services. A couple of our SAM’s were able to take some time out of their busy schedules to talk a bit about what lead them to this min- istry and what they’ve learned so far. The path to becoming and SAM, is not always straightfor- ward. Both shared trials and trib- ulations that affected them in unexpected ways. As tragedies of loss led to stronger relationships with God, and opportunities-- 6