Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation 2019 Prayer Invitation (1) | Page 11

losses, and brokenness, we can sometimes feel alone and discouraged. But, as with that moment at the summer camp beside Lake Hiawatha, prayer can be a powerful means of recon- necting with God and each other in heartfelt ways. I told the AGC preschool kids about how prayer can connect us, and we prom- ised each other that we would say a prayer for each other whenever we missed each other. As this is the last newsletter arti- cle I’ll be writing for you, the people of LCM, I will also invite you to build this connection into your pray- er life during Lent. When you miss me, or anyone who lives far away or has died, go ahead and say a prayer. To- gether, we can trust God to funnel these prayers into preserving and strengthen- ing these friendships, no matter the distance that divides. Christ commanded us to connect ourselves with God’s world and God’s peo- ple, to pray for, serve, and baptize. God is with us in this work and will not let us go it alone. Prayer is just one way that God reminds us that we are not alone. -Pr. Nikoli 11