Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation 2019 Prayer Invitation (1) | Page 10
prayer. The little boy was sad to
leave camp, sad to leave his counse-
lor (me), and sad to leave his new
friends. This was his first bible
camp experience, which started out
with lots of nervousness and appre-
hension but ended up with a lot of
gratitude and love.
We were talking about prayer be-
cause we wanted to stay in touch
with each other in the coming
months. In that setting, sharing my
personal contact information with
him and his family might have been
inappropriate and was against poli-
cy, so we needed to come up with a
different way to stay connected. We
decided that prayer would be a
great way to stay connected. When
technology fails to connect people,
God is always there to make sure
relationships do not fail with dis-
tance. We promised each other that
whenever we missed each other, we
would send up a prayer to God, who
we trusted would watch over the
other and strengthen the other with
our prayers.
Lent is a season well-suited to
prayer as a means for connecting
with each other and with God’s cre-
ation. As we remember Christ’s
wandering in the desert, we too
confront our own loneliness and
isolation—in a world that will never
truly understand our heartaches,