Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation 2018 Programming Invitation | Page 13
ered there, we set to work pouring the blood-colored sand into
the pavement cracks around us, and writing statistics and hot-
lines for human trafficking on the sidewalks. The sand is meant
to represent the 40 million people enslaved around the world,
the people who fall through the cracks, the people we don’t
like to see because their enslavement makes possible the con-
venient lives we enjoy in middle-class America. The Red Sand
Project draws people’s attention to an issue that largely goes
unseen, sometimes an issue we choose not to see.
Having returned from Houston, the Youth Gathering partici-
pants want to share this fight against human trafficking with
our friends, family, and communities here, in Mahomet. So, on
September 23, we will be participating in the Red Sand Project
as a congregation. All are welcome to join us that afternoon for
a time of learning and serving and spreading awareness about
the inhumane sex and labor slavery practices around the
world, and even in our local communities. The Red Sand Pro-
ject will be shipping the red sand to us, and LCM will provide
sidewalk chalk and ideas of what to write.
In this work, we will be doing God’s work with our hands. All
are encouraged to wear their yellow GWOH t-shirts or a Lu-
theran Church of Mahomet shirt. We will also feed you after-
wards at 5pm as we sing songs around a bonfire.