Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation 2018 Programming Invitation | Page 14
You will participate in the
lesson with your child by
answering questions and
reading along with your
child and you will partici-
pate with your child in en-
gaging activities during the
activity time. You will also
be provided with tools to
help their children become
people of faith by receiving
monthly e-newsletters that
talk about your child’s de-
velopment and age-
appropriate ways to engage
with your child about God.
Frolic will be held in the
nursery once each month.
Watch for the annual
schedule for Frolic.
We are changing to multi-age
groups for Sunday School this
year with Whirl All. Each
week children will learn bible
stories in a large group by
watching a video with the
Whirl characters. This will be
followed by small group les-
sons which will help make the
bible story relevant to the
children and will show them
how to live out their faith.
Weekly lessons will include
art, activities and games.
Watch for the Sunday School