Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation 2018 Ordinary Time | Page 4
Twelve of us from the
Lutheran Church of
Mahomet just returned
from Houston, TX, where
we joined up with almost
31,000 ELCA high school-
ers from across the nation.
We had an amazing time
together! Our group was
comprised of 9 students
and 3 adults (including my-
self). We endured long car
rides, early mornings and
late evenings, dehydration,
large crowds, and unfamil-
iar cityscapes. Now, I know
what you’re thinking: this
sounds horrible. We are
indeed exhausted and
glad to sleep in our own
beds and be with our
other friends and family.
But, let me be clear: we
endured these hardships,
and would readily endure
them again, for the over-
whelmingly awesome
experiences we encoun-
tered on our trip. We
made friends from all
over the ELCA, and the
intensity of our experi-