LUMEN Issue 7 - June 2014 | Page 14

Class of 1954
The Momentous
Ten years ago the the Class of 1954 met to celebrate their 50th anniversary . This was followed by the Diamond ( 60th ) Anniversary celebration on 17 May , 2014 .
... everyone thinks of money , works and toils to earn money . But money is not the most important thing in life . Have enough money to sustain life , one ’ s basic needs , maintain a decent life .
Helping those in need will make one a happy person . One should never measure anything in terms of money .”

Class of 1954

The Momentous

Diamond Anniversary

By Partick Mowe

Ten years ago the the Class of 1954 met to celebrate their 50th anniversary . This was followed by the Diamond ( 60th ) Anniversary celebration on 17 May , 2014 .

Seated L - R Wong Loke Jame ( Teacher , Author , Counsulor , SIA Airline Stn . Mgr ) Low Yong Kee ( Teacher ), Ernest Wickramasinghe ( Teacher , Naval Commander ) Pang Boon Seng ( Rotarian , Businessman ) Raymond Ambrose ( Teacher Australia 25 yrs + Singapore 20 yrs ), James Tseng ( Latin Teacher 1954 & Scout Master ), Bro . Paul Ho ( Sector Leader , All La Salle Brothers Singapore Guest of Honor ) Lester Tan ( Teacher ), Moses Tay ( Teacher ), Fr . Paul Pang ( Redemptorist ), Peter Thong How Soon ( Teacher , Philosopher ), William Chee ( Civil Servant , SPH )
Standing L - R : Patrick Mowe ( Head Prefect ’ 54 , Best All round Teacher TTC ’ 57 , CEO MPH Group ) Daniel Choong ( guest La Salle Org .), Anthony Tang , James Rodrigo , Peter Colaco ( Teacher , Humourist ), Denis Distant ( Banker , Voice of Small Investors ), WST , Ng Fook Lam ( Doctor , sings cantonese opera , golfer ) Anthony Mak , Low Siew Thiam ( Head Prefect 1955 , Chairman Global Leadership Forum , Journalist , Adjunct Prof . Turiba Univ . Latvia ) John Yip ( Head Prefect ’ 55 , Teacher RI , Director of Education ), Granville Gross ( SJI Soccer First XI )

Most of the 1954 cohort joined SJI in 1946 as the school reopened after the Second World War . SJI admitted students much older than normal into classes according to their level for the English language and arithmetic . Rapid promotions of the students were common for those who were home schooled .

Some emigrated to Australia or Canada . Many found their first jobs as teachers in the 50s . The Class of 1954 had a fair share of educators who built up the ‘ pioneer Nation ’ because they came from good quality mission schools .
This generation saw the setting sun of the British Empire . Then came the Rising Sun of Japan , flexing its muscles in the Pacific and causing the Russian Navy in 1905 to lose its dominance .
We endured the scarcities and cruelties of the Japanese occupation for two and a half years when our fathers had to bow before the heads of beheaded Singaporeans along Anderson Bridge .
We took the first steps towards independence as part of Malaysia , then riots broke out , followed by the withdrawal of the British forces . Eventually there was a political separation from Malaysia that still lingers .
Finally this generation took the reins of independence and bore all the worries of Nationhood . But we took it in our stride fearing no one and conceding to no one . We made our luck .
At this function , we recognised that we have to take care of our classmates who are no longer as strong physically as they were once . It was with lumps in our throats that we extended a hand to our disabled classmates who did not make excuses for their circumstances . Helping them gave the Spirit of SJI true meaning .
The Class of 1954 produced many educators and leaders who have gone on into commerce . Now we need the vocations to give back to SJI their sons .

... everyone thinks of money , works and toils to earn money . But money is not the most important thing in life . Have enough money to sustain life , one ’ s basic needs , maintain a decent life .

Helping those in need will make one a happy person . One should never measure anything in terms of money .”

Peter Thong How Soon