LUMEN Issue 7 - June 2014 | Page 13

Such studentinitiated projects are indeed what 21st century learning is all about .
11 characters , who went on a date with students and teachers who were passing by the amphitheatre . Speed Booking certainly brought the characters within the books to life and perhaps even sparked off a genuine interest in or even love for these characters . Mohammad Shafiq Anshad ( Michael 303 ) added : “ I enjoyed Speed Booking the most as it involved the whole TDP ( Talent Development Programme ) English class . Not only did it offer excitement to the participants , it was an important bonding session for the class too .”
Fatigue set in after a week-long of activities and planning , but the Talent English boys came back from a mission , a mission that was successfully completed with results that went beyond expectations . Many teachers were very impressed with the event , given the little time the boys had to prepare it . Our very own principal Dr Koh Thiam Seng had this to say : “ Such studentinitiated projects are indeed what 21st century learning is all about . I certainly hope that amphitheatre is used not only by the language and mother tongue teachers but also by the other subject areas as well .”
Facing page ( top ): Mr Lim Meng Chye enthralling his students as he read in Mandarin
Facing page ( bottom ): Book Election : Voting for their favourite book
This page ( top ): Secondary One students came fully prepared for the Readathon
This page ( left ): Duo Mrs Mishaelle Chua and Mrs Elizabeth Scott ( teachers in charge of the Talent English students ) reading an extract from Of Mice and Men
This page ( above right ): Dracula ‘ nailed ’ a victim in Speed Booking
This page ( left ): The attentive audience during the Readathon at the amphitheatre
This page ( bottom ): Captivating his audience during Speed Booking

Such studentinitiated projects are indeed what 21st century learning is all about .

Dr Koh Thiam Seng