LUMEN Issue 7 - June 2014 | Page 15

Come , walk the
of the
Over the Lenten Season , 14 crosses were installed around the school , each with its own message and perspective on the passion of Jesus Christ .

Come , walk the

Stations Cross

of the

By Valerie Lim

Over the Lenten Season , 14 crosses were installed around the school , each with its own message and perspective on the passion of Jesus Christ .

The installation project was an exercise of reflection and prayer , put together by students , teachers and parents . Each installation was creative and thought-provoking , sited in various corners of the school : by the walkways , under staircases and around the garden corridors .

On Friday 11th April , the Catholic community came together to walk the Stations of the Cross around the school campus . “ Holy darkness … blessed night …” echoed through the corridors and through the garden , warming hearts and welcoming the Holy Spirit . More than 100 people came ; teachers , Josephians , their families , friends , students from other schools , each taking turns to read or carry the cross , remembering the final walk Jesus made to Calvary . At each cross , Friar Michael D ’ Cruz read some of the reflections written by Josephians . Some nailed their “ sins ” to the cross ; others expressed the despair of the fallen , still others chose to highlight gratitude ,
love and hope . Candles were also left at the foot of crosses as a symbol of prayer and dedication . Friar Michael intoned , “ If you remember someone who has helped you , as Simon did , you may wish to leave your candle in prayer for the person …” Cross after cross , the candles were left , dedicated to people who have touched our lives , people less fortunate than us , people whom we wish to pray for .
The evening closed with the final hymn ’ s refrain , “ His sacrifice on Calvary … has made the Mighty Cross a Tree of life for me .” It was an evening shared in love and hope as we entered into Holy Week , with renewed excitement yet quiet anticipation of the Lord ’ s resurrection .
This page ( top left ): Reflecting at the cross
This page ( top right ): Singing while walking to each station
This page ( bottom left ): A reminder of Christ ’ s sacrifice for us at the cross
This page ( bottom right ): In quiet reflection