SJI NPCC – Anti-Scam Workshop
Community : In support of the migrant community
Xabi Phua Yu Le ( FN303 )
On the 30th of June 2024 , Josephian NPCC cadets hosted a myriad of guests , ranging from Ray of Hope ( ROH ) volunteers to a Station Inspector ( S . I .) from Kampong Java NPC and most importantly , migrant workers , at SJI , for a fun , action-packed day . This was part of ROH ’ s Building Community Champions ( BCC ) initiative , which aims to offer rare opportunities for our migrant brothers to interact with the local community . In fact , some of our fellow Josephians also hosted the initiative back in May .
Prior to the event , the cadets played a pivotal role in the organisation and coordination of the event , and it was through their efforts that a successful and memorable time for all parties involved was created . Some executive committee members as well as teacher officers liaised with ROH and Kampong Java NPC to work out logistical arrangements and the order of the day , as well as held briefings after school with the participating cadets to ensure that they would be on task on the day itself .
Soon enough , the day to put the plan into action came around . As hosts , early arrival was required in order to facilitate the movement of items such as SPF-provided goodies and sports equipment to the venues we were allocated . This was