Participating Organisations Inspired by Pope Francis ’ third encyclical , Fratelli Tutti , the fair featured organisations whose missions align with the teachings of fraternity , solidarity , and social responsibility . These included :
• Caritas Singapore
• Foreword Coffee Roasters
• Harley Owners Group
• Heartware Network
• It ’ s Raining Raincoats
• Josephian Family Mission
• Lakeside Family Services
• Mercy Relief
• Ray of Hope
• Singapore Disability Sports Council
• Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( SPCA )
A Day of Success The fair was a resounding success ! Students eagerly engaged with the representatives from each organisation , asking thoughtful questions and gaining valuable insights . Many students found themselves inspired by the missions of these organisations , leading to the formation of new partnerships . The synergy and energy generated throughout the event promise to foster even more collaboration in the coming months , as our students continue to live out the mission of serving the “ last , lost , and least ” in our society . As we look ahead , we are confident that the spirit of the VIA Scubilion Fair will inspire ongoing efforts toward building a more compassionate and just community , with our students leading the way in meaningful service .