LUMEN Issue 24 - December 2022 | Page 20

Enne Er ( LE506 )
As I walk to class every morning after assembly , I am greeted with warm smiles under masks ; a “ good morning !” conveyed only through the eyes of my friends and teachers . This telepathic understanding of intimacy carries me through my school day , whether it be across corridors , up and down the stairwells or between the 2 Blocks . Every smile , every subtle nod , every twinkle in someone ’ s eye conveys that much love and intimacy . That is what I love about SJI . Through the stressful examination period , the endless IB workload , and even through constant verbal jousting , the communal familiarity and closeness are what distinguishes SJI from any other .
Vincent Zoe Liana ( MN517 )
I feel fortunate to have come to SJI , a place where my peers and I can develop our talents even as we prepare for the bright future ahead of us . SJI has a wide range of CAS options catered to student interests , and I have found a community in one , the literary society . My peers and teachers there have encouraged me to write in mediums I am less comfortable in , and are eager to offer critique on my work . Oftentimes , my teachers will send emails about external opportunities that may interest us and will guide us should we choose to participate in them . SJI is therefore a place of growth for me , where my teachers and peers help me both in my pursuit of academic success and in my growth as an individual .
Kong Jun ’ en Elliott ( LE101 )
A staircase at block E , Emergency staircase B-2 . This staircase holds memories of both my CCA and school . Recently , After CCA , I saw some Year 5 and Year 6 students painting the walls of the staircase . Now on each level of the staircase lies a drawing representing an idea , such as teamwork which is represented by a school of fish . I feel that this place represents my feelings and my obsession with staircases , having named all the staircases in my primary school .
Rifal Matin ( LE101 )
My favourite place in SJI is the field . The field is where all my problems magically disappear . Whenever I go to the field , I always look forward to something that is fun . On some occasions , I am not physically on the field but seeing other students play is entertaining . I use the field for multiple reasons and one of them is to have football training . I am grateful that SJI has a field . This is because , in some schools , they don ’ t even have a playing area where their students can distress .
Kieran Chia Yao Hui ( LE101 )
The canteen is my favourite place in the school . The food there is reasonably priced , the store vendors are very considerate and polite and there is a variety of incredibly tasty food to eat . The canteen is also a place to hang out with friends and “ chill ”. I feel relaxed being there and thus it is my favourite place .