Benjamin Micah Kao Yu ( LE101 )
A place in SJI that means something to me would be the Founders ’ Hall . This place means something to me as I regularly have training sessions there . The Founders ’ Hall is also where many major school events are hosted . Training in the Founders ’ Hall has given me an appreciation of its ample space ; it is all in all an amazing venue to train in .
Samuel Tay ( LE101 )
The place in SJI that means the most to me is the field . This is because I spend most of my recess playing football with Josephians from other classes . This place is where I go to every recess to de-stress after a test or a hard day at school . This is also where many CCAs train , allowing them to achieve their goals . This place is very important not just to me but also to the rest of the school community .
Daniel Leong Eu Shay ( LE 303 )
At the back of the school rests a peculiar area known as the junkyard . Stepping out from the dark , gloomy corridors of the first floor , one experiences a change in environment so drastic it feels as though one has passed through a portal . The sudden new heat from the sun greets one with gusts of warm wind , rustling the leaves of ferns and tugging on the branches of palms .
On the right is the dry , cracked turf of the basketball court , its green , ancient basketball poles rooted stationary to the ground , looking as though they have been there forever . Closer to the entrance of the corridor is a narrow walkway that borders the comfortable air-conditioned art classrooms . On the left is the bare asphalt area , where most of the fallen foliage from bushes is gathered . This corner also contains a few irregular pieces of junk lying around , including a tyre and multiple odd sheets of rusty zinc . Beyond this surreal compound is an even more surreal forest , where a single Victorian-style bungalow stands , its paint flaking off and roof damp with ever-growing mould . A creepy shroud of darkness surrounds this forest and its lonely haunted house . One wonders if the old , rusting gate is sufficient to guard the school from any paranormal visitors that might just pay a visit .
Occasionally , one hears the crow of a cock , above the constant barrage of cricket symphony , a reminder that the wilderness is never far from the junkyard . After a long , moody shower is released upon the region from the glutted rainclouds , the moist , earthy smell of nature rises up from the ground and brushes one ’ s nostrils . The gentle splashes of rainwater can be heard as one attempts to stealthily make one ’ s way past the many leftover puddles after the drizzle that inevitably bathes shoes and socks with surprisingly clean , limpid water .
Spiritless leaves and petals periodically detach from the countless branches of the trees , gracefully sailing on the cool , post-rain wind , smoothly landing on the ground with their eloquent glides . These times are always much appreciated for their magnificence and slightly bewitching atmosphere , causing one to stop and allow the faded yellow petals to land on one ’ s head , feeling as though one were in a dreamy scene in an anime .
Funnily enough , the junkyard is , at times , a choice location to seek haven in times of crisis , for example , after a massive defeat in a Clash Royale clan war battle . A good place to ponder life and reflect on oneself , the junkyard is a strangely perfect place to spend time alone - a place where one can brainstorm ideas for an English descriptive essay , as well as ponder life choices and perhaps think about a better place to relax in than the school junkyard .