Teachers ’ Conference
ExCELFest 2021
This year SJI saw a record number of our educators presenting at the MOE 10th Teachers ’ Conference and ExCELFest 2021 held from 1 to 3 June . There were four teams who presented their work and experiences and one poster was selected for the exhibition :
• Ms Daisy Chia and Mrs Lorraine Vastel presented on " Teaching & Learning through the Assessment , Planning , Implementation and Evaluation ( APIE ) Framework "
• Mr Karthick Govindaraj , Ms Wong Wah Lee , Ms Nalini Moorthi , Mrs Yap Yin Shian and Ms Surjeet Kaur presented on " Developing a Growth Mindset : The Impact of Written Feedback in Creating Cultures of Thinking "
• Mr Michael Ee and Ms Jessica Cheng presented on " Cultivating Creative Behaviours in the Art Classroom "
• Ms Chen Shuying , Mr Ron Tok , Mdm Lee Pick Siew , Ms Tan Lay Moi , Ms Chew Hui Fang and Ms Winnie Yap presented on " An education that transcends the classroom : Effective use of ICT tools to prepare for examinations in the face of the pandemic "
• Ms Winnie Yap , Ms Chew Hui Fang and Mr Ron Tok showcased their poster display at Excel Fest
Cultivating Creative Behaviour in the Art Classroom
– by Ms Jessica Cheng & Mr Michael Ee
A key characteristic of creative behaviour is the ability to think out of the box . In the art classroom , teachers can cultivate creative behaviour through an interdisciplinary approach . Inquiry-based learning and coursework can be complemented with strategies such as collaborative story writing and role playing . Infusing teaching strategies more commonly used in other subjects such as English language and drama can encourage students to think out of the box to gain new insights for art . Our participants experienced a series of interdisciplinary art activities that has enabled Secondary 1 students from SJI to be creative in the art classroom . They also take away three teaching strategies to write , discuss and present art .
This page ( top right ): TCEF participants get creative with Tableau Vivant by using various props to recreate their chosen master artist work and posting their selfie on Padlet
This page ( centre ): SJI art teachers , Jessica Cheng and Michael Ee , introducing their TCEF presentation on Cultivating Creative Behaviour in the Art Classroom on Zoom
This page ( bottom left ): Presenters in action : SJI art teacher , Michael Ee , role-playing master painter , René Magritte , to share his thoughts and feelings about the artwork during an auction held by Jessica Cheng