I hope to use the skills of communication and ideation I have gained from the DFC and SF journey and apply them to my everyday life . In doing so , I hope to spread positivity to those around me !
Facing page ( above ): Here are 4 teams of presenters who led the online presentations during Concurrent Sessions A and B .
Facing page ( centre right and bottom row ): Our presenters Ms Tay Xiu Yu , Ms Tay Tze Hoon and Ms Ong Shu Yee , as well as Mr Kenny Teoh and Miss Asmah Hanim Binte , in action sharing via Zoom their Learning Team ’ s teaching and learning strategies with the participants of their sessions .
This page ( top ): Group shot with the participants of Concurrent Session B5 : Learning Menu during Home Based Learning : A Step Closer to Self-Directed Learning conducted by Mrs Pennie Ong and Ms Jessica Cheng .
This page ( bottom left ): Presentation by Mr Marek Otreba , Lead Teacher from St Andrew ’ s Secondary School who presented Session B9 : Using GRASPS to Create Alternative Assessments .