More than Words :
By Micaela Leong
On 25 September , despite the haze hanging thick in the air around the school , the JC2 art and music students were unperturbed - their graduation exhibition must go on . This was the annual showcase of all the work they have done over the last 18 months :
The first half of the event focused on the art students : their art medium ranged from traditional in the form of charcoal , acrylic and sculpture , to digital computer 3D modelling of buildings and photography . Hans Krisnata Muten ’ s ( Tutor Group 205 ) first series of studios , based on personal experiences , was a critique of the Indonesian government hiding the truth from its citizens , the environmental harm they cause , and the hypocrisy and favouritism they display . His next series , done in charcoal , were works of selfreflection on his experiences as a student living overseas , apart from his family . He had his heart on his sleeve as he showcased isolation in a foreign country and alienation from those closest to him in his artwork .
Lee Yuchong ’ s ( Tutor Group 208 ) series of works conveyed his reflection on Singapore ’ s history and community through its buildings .
After sharing with the audience his process of scouting old and new Housing Development Board ( HDB ) flats for his photography series , he highlighted the contrast between past and present Singapore . Older neighbourhoods show uncomplicated , simple exteriors whereas newer flats have curved surfaces and exterior embellishments . And yet , the repetitive structure of flats is what makes Singapore ’ s HDB blocks so iconic and recognisable . Even so , what makes a home unique is not the exterior regardless of whether it is old or new , but the people in it , as people express their individuality through the decoration of their homes . Additionally , he highlighted Singapore ’ s progress and move forward towards modernisation meant that buildings have to change with the times , otherwise , older buildings become irrelevant and outdated among new people and are soon forgotten .
Having completed their labour-intensive work , many people asked the art students how they felt . Yuchong candidly answered , “ I ’ m just very tired ”, but now on hindsight after some reflection , he felt that it has been an “ enjoyable process of making art ” and is a little disappointed that he does not have to walk all the way to the art room anymore .
During a short break , the audience were free to admire the art pieces displayed . Giselle Lim , twin sister of Germaine Lim ( Tutor Group 201 ), commented that as an art student herself , she understands how tiring art can be , and that she is greatly impressed by the maturity the students have presented their work and admires the intense passion they have for art . She added ,