SJI marked another momentous milestone in its history on 20 July 2015 at the official groundbreaking ceremony for the redevelopment of SJI ’ s Malcolm Road campus . Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam , President of the Republic of Singapore , unveiled the masterplan for SJI ’ s upgraded campus and officiated the groundbreaking ceremony , which was witnessed by many former and present students of the school .
In his opening address about the redevelopment project , Mr . Gerard Ee Hock Kim , Chairman of the SJI Board of Governors , said , “ This redevelopment is particularly timely , as education in Singapore and the learning needs of our students have changed tremendously over the years . SJI has been reinventing itself over the last decade to meet the changing demands of education in the 21st century ... in order for SJI to be responsive to new learning requirements , it is timely for SJI to upgrade its buildings and facilities to ensure that SJI is “ Designed for Learning and for Interactions ; Now and the Future ”.