Their never-give-up spirit was very admirable . Nobody looked demoralised ... It ’ s time like these that I ’ m proud to call myself a Josephian . acquired second place for the onsite challenge , I was actually quite relieved ,” Yhu Fhei commented . “ Honestly , I found it to be exceptionally hard , but it looked like our teamwork and perseverance paid off in the end .”
Studio Competition Round
The date was 6 September 2015 . Four excited talented Secondary 3 Josephians strode into the halls of MediaCorp . They were about to confront one of their greatest challenges yet - the Studio Competition Round of the Singapore National Science Challenge Grand Finals . The audience was filled with staunch and passionate SJI supporters , waving the school flag with pride and cheering their friends on . “ It was really great to see my form tutor , Ms Cheng Mengting , come down just to root for me . It really helped to spur me on ,” Yuknavell opined . “ It made the feeling of reaching all the way to the finals even more amazing ,” his teammate Khoi added . The Studio Competition Round consisted of three rounds : Solve It !, Facts of Life , and Rapid Response . Despite our team ’ s commendable attempts , they were trailing behind their opponents in the first round . However , not disheartened by the loss , they decided to try even harder . “ Their nevergive-up spirit was very admirable . Nobody looked demoralised ,” Samuel Murugasu , an SJI member of the audience , said . “ It ’ s time like these that I ’ m proud to call myself a Josephian .”
Our four National Science Challengers persevered for the next two rounds , but ultimately lost out to the other two schools . However , it is never victory which defines the Josephian pride , but rather our fighting spirit . The SJI National Science Challengers ' teamwork , perseverance and faith in one another had brought them all the way to the finals , and that is the mark of a true Josephian .
This was the first time SJI has reached the finals of the National Science Challenge since it was launched in 2004 . The SJI National Science Challenge Team has definitely done the school proud , and etched an indelible mark in SJI ’ s legacy . Congratulations , National Science Challengers !
Facing page From left to right : Lee Yhu Fhei , Yuknavell s / o Thiyagarajan , Aw Kinn and Le Nguyen Nguyen Khoi
This page ( top ): Pre-competition practice in the Science laboratory
This page ( bottom ): Getting ready for the Rapid Response Round at the Studio