From the
LUMEN in Latin means light or lamp . It also means clearness and understanding . With this new SJI magazine , we hope to throw light on the people , programmes and philosophy of SJI so that our students , staff , parents , alumni , and others who are interested in the school will come to understand the school and what it stands for .
The launch of this new SJI magazine comes at an important time of change and growth for the school as it prepares to establish a dual-track education , with an Integrated Programme ( IP ) Track , alongside an ' O ' Level Track , offering students options and the flexibility of mobility between tracks . There is also the highly anticipated return of pre-university classes to SJI , with the launch of the International Baccalaureate ( IB ) Diploma Programme . Once again , SJI will offer students six years of education .
In the midst of all these changes , it is clear that SJI will continue to build upon its strong values of faith , service and community and its mission of nurturing men of integrity and men for others .
At the heart of every good school are good people . In this inaugural issue of LUMEN , the focus is largely on stories about the people of SJI . We take a look at the Allied Educators who continue to live their mission in SJI ; Tan Ser Yung , a student who is showing great strength and courage as he rejoins school after his accident ; Secondary Three students bonding and building community and ; our Chaplain Friar Michael De Cruz , OFM and his experience in Pakistan ; the thoughts of an old boy Gerard Ee who shared at the Fullerton-SJI Leadership Lecture ; recent graduates who have done well at their ' A ' Level examinations ; and the good work of a group of young old boys as they return to their alma mater to teach and guide their juniors .
Our next issue will take a closer look at the new programmes of the eagerly awaited Josephian Integrated Programme while in this issue we present a sneak preview of one of the programmes , ArtScience , which SJI is developing in collaboration with Harvard University .
We look forward to bringing you more stories about SJI , and we welcome any comments and questions you may have about LUMEN .
Ora et Labora !