LUMEN Issue 1 - June 2011 | Page 2



Lumen is Latin for light or lamp . It also means clearness and understanding .
We hope this magazine will throw light on the people , programmes , and philosophy of SJI .
Mara has been inspiring History students at SJI for almost 12 years . She also teaches Social Studies . English and Literature teacher Elizabeth has been teaching at SJI for almost 3 years .
Their article sheds light on the lives of the religious allied educators in SJI .
Whether you are a student , a teacher , a parent , an old boy , or just someone who supports the school , may what we have to say help you understand the school and what it stands for and perhaps shed a little more light onto your path on the journey that is life .
On the cover : The De La Salle Brothers who serve at SJI . Bro Eustace Amarajothy , Bro Jason Blaikie , Bro Thomas Lavin ( Auxillary Visitor ), Bro Paul Ho ( Singapore Sector Leaader ) and Bro Britto Pinto
The LUMEN Team
Dr Koh Thiam Seng
Daisy Chia Malcolm Wong
Design & Production
Anita Sebastian Jerry Tan ( Paschal East Design )
We welcome your input / feedback . Write to us at contact @ sji . edu . sg subject : LUMEN
Lumen is a publication of St Joseph ’ s Institution , Singapore . © 2011 SJI . No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means , electronic or mechanical , including photocopy , recording or any information storage or retrieval system , without the permission of the copyright owner .
3 | JANET KWOK ( Page 6 )
Janet has been teaching English and English Literature for 15 years . She wrote about the ArtScience programme which is new in Singapore and in the world . The long term plan is for SJI to become a regional centre for this programme .
4 | RYAN COLOND ( Page 8 )
Ryan ( SJI graduating Class of 2006 ) has been working in SJI since the year began . He teaches Lower Secondary Mathematics and also assists with Upper Secondary Biology as part of the Learning Support Officer ( LSO ) scheme .
His article recounts how the LSO scheme was first introduced and a summary of thoughts of the young alumni who have returned to SJI to help the younger Josephians .
5 | CHONG CHOW WEE ( Page 10 )
Chow Wee ( SJI graduating Class of 2001 ), the baby in the group of contributors , has been with SJI for six months and teaches History .
His sharing on his outlook as a teacher is tied in with his reflection of the 2011 Secondary 3 Bonding camp and the lessons learnt ; especially the aspect of teaching with heart .
6 | DAISY CHIA ( Page 12 )
Daisy has been with SJI for 17 years . With every class she teaches , she hopes the boys are inspired to love and enjoy the English language .
Her article on Ser Yung ’ s Josephian spirit shares with the SJI community and beyond , how Ser Yung has been especially since he returned to school this year . As Ser Yung ’ s English teacher in 2011 , she took this opportunity to convey his struggles , thoughts and feelings after the accident .
7 | MICHAEL D ' CRUZ ( Page 15 )
Friar Mike ( SJI graduating Class of 1979 ) is the resident School Chaplain who feels he has been in SJI forever . His article is a compilation of his reflections while he was in Pakistan at the beginning of 2011 .
8 | ADELINE NG ( Page 20 )
Adeline ’ s childhood ambition has always been to pursue a meaningful vocation that has the power to touch and change lives . She has spent the last year at SJI doing just that through teaching English and Literature .
Her article looks at SJI ’ s recent graduates who did well in the GCE ' A ' level examinations . She hopes that the article will motivate Josephians to work hard and persevere . The article also aims to illustrate the influence and impact of the SJI education .
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