LUCE estratti LUCE 313_Ceresoli_Alma Mater | Page 7

of the earth’s crust or of the moon; it all depends on the point of view. These mysterious light sources gradually illumi- nate the shadowy spaces with modulated glows of light disseminated around the Terzo Paradiso by Michelangelo Pistoletto, symbol of the balance between the nat- ural world, the artificial, and the human one; laid on the floor, it is for the first time made of Lombard peat: a fertile and generous soil, just like Nature. The discs (170 cm in diameter), floating like planets around the Earth, reconfigure and alter the perception of space, they materialize organic luminous bodies that emanate an indescribable feeling, a wish to return to the womb of the Earth, beyond the dark- ness, up to the threshold of life, where everything originates, and where spirit and matter coexist in a perfect balance. The author-craftsman, Parmesan by origin and Lombard by adoption, passionate entrepreneur by vocation of bright objects shaping and experimenting with the ex- pressive potential of different materials, is the founder of “Catellani e Smith”, based in Villa al Serio (Bergamo), since 1989. He does not define himself as design- er nor artist, because it embarrasses him; he use to say, with the ironic verve of who never takes himself too seriously, that he loves the culture of doing, of giving body to the light by chasing visions of original shapes, unique, out of fashion and trends, with the honesty of a genuine “workman” with his hands knead in the matter, like a passionate magician inventing forms that are on the borderline between the func- tionalist tradition and organic inspiration, a bio-science that does not exist in nature. His lamps, explicitly inspired by the nature and the cosmos, have conquered the international market and characterize the Italian excellence in the competitive world of lighting production, where noth- ing is as easy as it looks. LUCE 313 Alma Mater photo © R.Sanzone 51