LUCE 345 | Page 17

ky without stars : alarm over light

“ S pollution ,” LaPresse reports . “ The dark sky is at risk of extinction ,” La Repubblica denounces . Headlines like these are increasingly common in Italian newspapers . Therefore , it ’ s not surprising that most regulations , guidelines , awareness campaigns , and client demands approach the reduction of light pollution in an alarmist way . Besides , many other interconnected issues foster this approach , such as saving energy , air pollution , biodiversity preservation , and reducing public spending . However , reducing light pollution is a highly complex issue that cannot be addressed only by using cut-off fixtures , warm CCT ( correlated color temperature ), and reducing illuminance values . Balancing environmental protection , efficiency , safety , beautification , and the identity of places must be the goal . Some researchers , lighting designers , manufacturing companies , NGOs , and our City Green Light team are working hard to overcome this approach by networking , organizing events , participating in national / international workshops , and living labs on lighting design , as well as collaborating with public administrations . Currently , five fields hold the greatest potential and we focus on them . Firstly , we are working on defining measurement procedures for night sky brightness in order to assess the impact of lighting systems . We aim at formulating new Night Sky Protection Compliant guidelines and design procedures , as well as promoting more suitable national and regional laws . Secondly , we are working on the directionality of emitted light . Specifically , we are searching for new optics that limit upward dispersion while ensuring sufficient vertical and semicylindrical illuminance . Thirdly , we are advocating for the use of adaptive controls to adjust illuminance according to traffic flow data , which can be measured by sensors and predicted through mathematical models . Fourthly , we are focusing on the emission spectrum of light sources . On one hand , we are utilizing sources that do not affect fauna and flora . On the other hand , we are promoting Tunable White technologies in public lighting to achieve variable CCT that meets the needs of any area and time . Fifthly , we are participating in public debates surrounding the key role of darkness and “ dark corridors ” in safeguarding the “ green ” and “ blue ” infrastructures as outlined by the European Environment Agency . This is the way we aim at surpassing outdated and ideological approaches in order to enable people to look at the sky down to earth .

in alto / top L ' intervento nel Comune di Asiago , capofila del progetto Skyscape , programma di cooperazione finanziato dalla Commissione Europea che si propone di valorizzare il cielo stellato al fine di sviluppare l ’ astroturismo , ha richiesto una particolare attenzione al tema dell ' inquinamento luminoso . In accordo con il Comune e con Arpav la scelta della temperatura dei corpi illuminanti ha tenuto conto delle zonizzazioni rispettose

Looking at the sky , down to earth

New approaches for light pollution reduction
della presenza dell ’ Osservatorio Astrofisico e Astronomico / An implementation requiring strong attention to the issue of light pollution was the one in the Municipality of Asiago , leader of the Skyscape project , a cooperation program funded by the European Commission , which aims to enhance the starry sky in order to develop astrotourism . In agreement with the Municipality and with Arpav , the choice of the temperature of the lighting fixtures took into account the zoning that respects the presence of the Astrophysical and Astronomical Observatory
in basso / below Il centro storico di Vicenza , riqualificato da City Green Light con una temperatura di colore di 3000K nel rispetto delle linee guida ARPAV . Il Comune di Vicenza si trova nelle
fasce di rispetto degli osservatori professionali di Asiago e Cima Ekar / The historic center of Vicenza , revitalized by City Green Light using a color temperature of 3000K , in accordance with the guidelines set by ARPAV ( Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Veneto ). The Municipality of Vicenza falls within the compliance zones of the professional observatories of Asiago and Cima Ekar . LUCE 345 15