LUCE 335 | Page 25

product logic to solution logic . Our objective is above all to generate value for our clients , responding in an even deeper and more precise way to their needs and requirements . In the field of lighting , we have adopted a project business perspective , which ranges from energy audits to assistance during the preliminary design phase , right up to subsequent maintenance . Another fundamental element for GEWISS today is that of interconnected lighting : the Smart Lighting solutions that we are developing for the Industry , Sport and City landscape areas in particular . One example is the brand new Stadium Pro 3 , unveiled in February . These products have as their main feature to be sustainable both in environmental and economic terms , thanks to their ability to connect , based also on wireless technologies , now widely available both within and outside the home , in companies , within institutions and in the same urban spaces . The connection allows in fact to build a highly efficient network , in which the various lighting systems can be activated , monitored and governed in an efficient and optimal way , regardless of the place where you are to interact with them . 4 . Our choice to focus on listening , I would even say on supporting our clients in all phases of the lighting design project , has led us to a value proposition that differs from the competition in terms of quality of service . The frontier of lighting technology is no longer represented by the lighting performance alone but , as I said before , by integrated design and by the ability of individual devices to interact with the spaces in which they are inserted . I believe , therefore , that in the near future , the digital component will represent the real added value in the choice of lighting solutions , especially considering the evolution of the way of designing spaces that the pandemic has made even more evident . 5 . The dialogue between all the stakeholders of the value chain must be constant and direct , taking advantage , in this case too , of the acceleration that the pandemic has given to the relationship between producer and consumer . The comparison and the continuous exchange of ideas must become an integral part of the daily work of both manufacturers and lighting designers , letting mutual contamination take place freely , while understanding the specific nature of the roles . The manufacturer must follow and interpret market trends , in order to be able to offer solutions that are increasingly suited to the needs of the lighting designer . The lighting designer must transfer his own demands to the manufacturer , foreseeing and anticipating the needs that emerge from society .
1 . GMR Enlights is part of that group of companies that have , even during the most critical phases of the health emergency , continued to be fully operational to support the Country System . This was possible thanks to a quick internal reorganisation , focused on protecting the health of the employees and the clients . We adopted practical solutions to control the contagion , and thanks to digital tools and smart working , remote operations and a business continuity plan , we were able to guarantee the delivery of products to our clients and therefore provide services to the community . 2 . For our company , 2021 promises to be a year of important evolution , in line with the growth trend of the last three years . We continue to gain market shares , thanks to our commercial policy and to an ever wider and more competitive range of products . GMR Enlights will put emphasis on its established collections for public lighting , but not only . We are coming out with a range of professional floodlights for large areas , sports facilities and tunnels , on which we are organizing a major sales and marketing activity that will undoubtedly bear fruit in the medium term . 3 . For 2021-2022 , we have set a challenging roadmap including implementations and new products . A significant part of the investments is dedicated to product performance in terms of lighting performance , energy efficiency and environmental sustainability . This will result into new optical engines , much more performing than the current ones , for luminaires already in production and also for those under development . We are strengthening our offer through a range of floodlights already in production , which we are completing by the addition of lighting fixtures dedicated to sport and tunnel ; they will be released in the coming months . By the end of the year , we will present important new features in Smart City infrastructure ; the system will integrate smart services for managers and citizens , and functions that are increasingly geared towards the digital transformation that the world is waiting for . 4 . This data is correct . In order to analyse the causes of this , it is necessary to distinguish between the market for large-scale energy requalification of Consip and ESCo and the more traditional market managed by the Public Administrations . The former is characterised by the high numbers and a demand for entry-level products ; the latter requires low volumes and is oriented towards the medium-high end products . The Consip concession prices and the strong competition in the ESCo world , as well as the very high demand numbers , have led to a reduction in margins . As a result , the manufacturers are moving towards increasingly minimalist and entry-level products , as opposed to more design-driven or valuable models that can enhance our cities in the rightest way . In this dynamic there is the problem , by now long known , of the radical spread of imported products that are not certified and often do not comply with the new CAM2017 . These products are sold by companies or NewCo ’ s with structural costs that are much lower than those of manufacturers like us and with which it is really difficult to compete on equal terms . Inevitably , this leads to a further decline in margins . In a scenario like this , it is essential to be able to manage both markets and , therefore , to have a range of products capable of meeting the needs of both segments . It is crucial to focus on the development of “ entry-level ” products and at the same time not lose the presence on the territory , the quality of the catalogue and the commercial network to follow the supply chain of the Public Administration ’ s small projects , where there are still opportunities if you can offer products of a different and higher range . GMR Enlights has embraced this policy . We will continue to invest in technology , performance and quality . We will not stop believing in a strong presence on the territory , with continuous quality awareness activities aimed at the entire chain of the Public Administration . 5 . The relationship between manufacturer and designer is a topic of great importance , of mutual exchange and opportunities for growth . It is the manufacturer ’ s duty to inform the designer about the new technologies , because designers must be able to choose the best solution following an evaluation not only of performance but also in terms of quality and environmental sustainability . Designers , often used to working with historical partners , should always be attentive to the market news and open up to new solutions .
CLAUDIA AMBROSETTI Marketing Manager , Palazzoli
Orn di GMR Enlights , un apparecchio illuminante per aree urbane , verdi e pedonali / Orn by GMR Enlights , a luminaire for urban , green and pedestrian areas
1 . Only two weeks after the closure in March 2020 , Palazzoli proceeded to implement the health protocol , evaluating every possible way to safeguard safety at work with daily sanitization of all rooms , body temperature detection , installation of Plexiglas panels to divide the workstations , and organization of work shifts to maintain the distance , as well as face masks and single use gloves , automatic dryers in the restrooms and hand sanitizer dispensers placed everywhere . Since the start of the pandemic , more than 3,500 rapid tests have been carried out every two weeks . In