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addition to the sanitary devices , inside the plant there are technologically advanced machines and fully automatic production lines , which guarantee not only the safety of people , but also a reliable and efficient production . The company has reorganized itself and is continuing to plan for the following chapters : Laboratory : the Company ’ s new laboratories simulate the environments in which the lighting fixtures will be installed , measuring their behaviour and effects . Mechanical processing : machining operations such as milling and turning of metal products are carried out unmanned . The automation is now complete in all machining stages . Surface treatment : the metal products are treated against corrosion , and painted in a fully automated plant with oven curing . Assembly : the 70 % of the products are benchmounted . The wiring of the LED luminaires is assembled by experienced and qualified personnel . In this area , the company is also equipped with collaborative robots , known as cobots , which are working alongside the staff . Logistics : until recently , goods were stored in a single automated warehouse with a capacity of 30,000 cubic metres , which has now been joined by a new one with a capacity of 20,000 cubic metres . The special feature is that both warehouses communicate with each other . The materials are picked up , shipped and moved between the departments using Automatic Guided Vehicles ( AGVs ). All working cycles are green certified ; there are no toxic materials used and no harmful emissions . In addition , our energy consumption is powered at 100 % by our photovoltaic systems . 2 . Palazzoli wants to continue its growth in 2021 , aiming at doing better than the previous two years . For more than a century , Palazzoli has been manufacturing top quality lighting products , starting from heavy duty applications . In fact , Palazzoli ’ s history in lighting comes from difficult sectors such as shipbuilding , ATEX , tunnels , and heavy industrial ones , and for these sectors the company continues to put on the market top quality products such as the new Meta 150 that has an energy efficiency of 150 lm / W and LED lifetime of over 230,000 hrs , and the new X-Tigua , a high luminous flux luminaire available in floodlight , suspension and road tunnel versions . Many more innovations are on the way for 2021 , but we will talk about these in due course . 3 . We will continue to focus on the four sectors , introducing novelties for each of them . The focal points of our products are the innovative elements and the continuous search for the best efficiency , always while maintaining a high quality of light , the control of the luminous flux and the product resistance in aggressive environments . 4 . The players are increasing , and so do the solutions where people are willing to compromise on the quality of light and the durability of the product in the quest for price . This is how the market is moving . This reasoning or habit does not belong to Palazzoli . Every lighting product goes through a precise and effective design process , which takes place in the five following obligatory steps : clarity of function , simplicity of design , quality of manufacture , excellence of service , and centrality of relationships . 5 . The services we provide are different , ranging from the most traditional ones – such as the ability to manufacture products on specific customer requests and following the customer all the way , the organisation of training events and seminars , both live and webinar , and the publication of practical guides with the help of experts in the electro-technical field – to more up to date services linked to the new technologies , like smart-phone apps that support the designer and the installer in all the necessary calculations during the realisation of the system . Moreover , Palazzoli has a structure called “ Divisione Grandi Impianti ” ( Large Systems Division ), made up of highly skilled sales technicians and able to manage important orders at any level . Typically , we start from a prescription activity , where we can express the peculiarities of our products at their best , up to following the realization of the plant , also taking care of the proper application of the products and of the after-sales assistance .
FEDERICO PANZERI General Sales Manager , Panzeri
1 . Surely , 2020 has been a challenging year from all points of view , and it was also an opportunity to rethink the way people consume and produce . Sustainability also means durability and , consequently , quality of materials , of the production processes and of the project as a whole . Our philosophy has always pushed us to invest in this sense ; the health emergency , which will continue at least for the whole of 2021 , has only strengthened this belief . As part of the necessary internal reorganisation , we have managed to keep the production lines always open , taking all the necessary precautions and equipping ourselves with all the sanitary devices required by the regulations in force . After the initial critical phase in March / April 2020 , we quickly adapted to a new way of working and innovating , so much so that we are ready to face 2021 with a significant number of new projects and products . 2 . If in 2020 we were able to maintain our positions , both in Italy and abroad , for 2021 , we expect a recovery starting in the second half of the year , although we will probably return to the pre-pandemic growth rates not before 2022 . As far as we are concerned , we are focusing heavily on the contract sector , which continues to offer the greatest potential for growth for us . 3 . We recently launched Hilow , a modular linear LED system for architectural lighting designed by Matteo Thun , which is one of the most important innovations of 2021 . The concept of modularity remains a key element for us , as it allows us to dialogue with the public of designers and to provide ad hoc solutions ; the goal is to combine an apparent simplicity of shape with a great conceptual complexity , so it will become possible to imagine the same product in always new configurations and in the most diverse contexts . Hilow , as well as other products that will be released in 2021 , has been designed in particular to meet the multiple needs of the contract sector , lending itself to furnish environments ranging from the larger spaces such as hotel lobbies to the
Hilow di Matteo Thun per Panzeri , griglia luminosa in versione a parete con doppia emissione / Hilow by Matteo Thun for Panzeri , wall-mounted luminous grid with double emission
smaller ones such as offices and retail spaces . In addition , it also lends itself to transform a domestic living room or to give character and atmosphere to a loft . Flexibility and variety of applications are therefore very important features that we pursue as part of our design research , leveraging the latest LED technologies and the most advanced energy saving solutions . 4 . If you look at it on a general level , the idea that the Italian market is under pressure from the standpoint of profitability can be shared . One of the triggering factors is certainly the growing rate of imports of foreign products , typically from Eastern European or Asian countries . Furthermore , the slow growth of the market is putting increasing pressure on the domestic producers , who are seeing their market share shrink . However , it is also true that at the same time there are “ premium ” projects also in Italy , where you can work with adequate margins ; the discriminating factor is working on the “ project ” and not on the “ supply ,” shifting the centre of gravity on the professional relationship with the designer for the creation of an ad hoc solution that is conceived and tailored to the needs of the client and the project . 5 . For years , we have been working in the name of research and openness to the talent of designers and architects , who find a trusted partner in Panzeri . This synergy is an important driving force because , on the one hand , it pushes us to overcome our limits in terms of research , and on the other it helps us to further consolidate our brand in the world of design and architecture . The relationship is therefore always one of mutual exchange , where the designer provides ideas and the company provides its expertise in interpreting and translating the ideas into concrete and factual reality .