LUCE 335 | Page 24

rafforzarsi grazie alle varie innovazioni che stiamo introducendo e al servizio completo che continuiamo a proporre . Prevediamo il lancio di prodotti nuovi e sostenibili nei settori Urban & Deco e della Smart Innovation . 3 . L ’ innovazione e la sostenibilità sono al centro della nostra visione . Schréder svolge un ruolo chiave nel guidare la standardizzazione con associazioni e partner come uCIFI , TalQ o Zhaga . Il nostro impegno comune è fornire soluzioni progettate per l ’ integrazione IoT verticale e orizzontale : il sistema completo Schréder Exedra che lanceremo quest ’ anno si basa su tecnologie condivise e aperte . Schréder Exedra è una soluzione plug-and-play che consente l ’ implementazione rapida e semplice di una rete di illuminazione connessa . Tutti i nuovi apparecchi saranno interessati da questa innovazione e il sistema sarà implementato dall ’ introduzione della Smart Label , già nata nel 2020 , una etichetta di prodotto che consente agli installatori e ai gestori della città di recuperare tutte le informazioni chiave sugli apparecchi di illuminazione su qualsiasi dispositivo digitale , sia esso fisso o mobile . Puntiamo poi sulla facilità di installazione e manutenzione , nonché sulla flessibilità non solo in termini di taglia , e quindi di livello di flusso luminoso emesso , ma anche in termini di colore della luce . Uno dei nostri sistemi outdoor , ad esempio , consente di regolare la temperatura colore in modo dinamico , dai 4.000K ai 2.200K , per ridurre al minimo l ’ impatto sulla flora e sulla fauna nelle ore notturne . 4 . Sì , possiamo confermare senza dubbio che la marginalità negli ultimi anni si è contratta sempre di più . Il mercato italiano è uno dei più complessi per varietà di interlocutori e numero di concorrenti . La presenza di proposte provenienti dai mercati asiatici , caratterizzate da prezzi concorrenziali , sommate alle dinamiche generate dall ’ adozione di economie di scala hanno determinato negli ultimi anni la necessità per i produttori di ridurre costantemente i prezzi per poter rimanere competitivi , talvolta a scapito dell ’ innovazione . 5 . Il ruolo del progettista della Luce è fondamentale per vagliare e proporre tutte le innovazioni che il mondo dello smart lighting sta continuando a introdurre . Possiamo mettere a disposizione il nostro know-how tecnico e fotometrico per garantire risultati eccellenti nel rispetto degli standard di illuminazione e della sostenibilità , sia nel caso in cui il progettista debba scegliere il prodotto da catalogo più idoneo , sia nel caso in cui ci sia la necessità di sviluppare una soluzione personalizzata .

Lighting fixtures : new technologies and new products

For luminaire manufacturers , the pandemic , and the resulting restrictive measures , fell within a global context already characterised by a major evolution and by policies aimed at social welfare and environmental sustainability . Supported by innovative technologies for the production process , this trend has had the effect , despite the ongoing difficulties , of bringing new products onto the market – both for indoor and outdoor use – that must nonetheless compete with the international production , both in terms of cost and quality . The growing focus on end users , in terms of systems as well as products , also requires an increasingly fruitful dialogue between manufacturers and designers . Given this wide-ranging panorama , which is as promising as it is uncertain , we asked a number of companies in the sector a few questions , to better understand the current conditions after a difficult year , the strategies they have adopted , and the innovations they intend to implement in the immediate future .

2020 has been a challenging year for all

1 . of us and for the businesses in the sector . How did your company experience the health emergency and how did you reorganise ? Was it an opportunity to introduce new innovative production systems also in terms of sustainability , circular economy , and the environment ?

How do you think the market will

2 . develop in 2021 , and are there forecasts of stagnation or growth ? What types of products do you intend to focus on ?

As for the lighting fixtures , which products

3 . are you going to introduce on the market and which are their main innovative elements ( indoor / outdoor lighting )?

Lately , it is said that the Italian market

4 . for luminaires is down-trending in terms of profitability compared to other European markets ; is this true ? And if so , what are the causes ?

5 .

How do you think the relationship between the manufacturer and the lighting designer should be shaped ?
1 . AEC Illuminazione has organised itself adhering to the rules imposed . AEC Illuminazione has organised itself according to the rules . In the offices , in particular , we have adopted Smart Working , like everyone else , in order to continue to support the demands of our customers . 2 . For 2021 , we expect a period of stagnation . Despite this , we are trying to organise ourselves and continue to operate according to the rules . We are currently focusing on products for sports and street lighting .
3 . The products we are going to present to the market will be characterised by a high energy performance , with a view to energy saving . AEC ’ s innovations will be related to the world of outdoor lighting . 4 . Yes , it is . We can confirm that the Italian lighting market is trending downwards compared to other European markets , and this is linked to the fact that scaled down policies are increasingly being adopted . 5 . The relationship between manufacturer and designer should be based on high trust and collaboration , in order to obtain excellent results in terms of design and know-how on the latest technologies .
STEFANO BIANCHI Marketing Director , Gewiss
1 . In the initial phase , we prioritised both our clients , guaranteeing continuity of service first and foremost , and our internal staff , setting up a safety protocol with prevention measures that were even more stringent than those required by government decrees . Then , we moved from managing the health emergency to managing the economic emergency . So , we introduced an immediate Contingency Plan with a sense of responsibility and prevention , economic sense , and a long-term vision . We have reviewed the organisation and introduced improvements in the work processes . In the coming months , we will focus on increasing the efficiency of the entire supply chain by strengthening relations with our partners , to optimise the value chain and make flows sustainable and smart , with an increasingly digital perspective . We are developing skills that we started to invest in before the pandemic , such as being more digital , connected , and data-driven , and having more agile and flexible structures . This agility will be essential to be even closer to our customers and to respond even better to the new needs . 2 . In the last eight / ten years , under the influence of the mega trends taking place at global level , our sector has undergone a strong acceleration ; the common denominator is the digital technology component , which helps to respond to the growing needs of security , compliance of the systems , well-being , connection and sustainability , in terms of both energy saving and environmental impact , and in which the electro-technical and electronic companies will still play a key role . Home & building automation , e-mobility and intelligent lighting are the drivers of the development of our offer , which has moved from a logic of product solution to a service ; in fact , we assist our customers at all stages , listening to the specific needs of small and medium-sized companies , professionals and consumers . 3 . The approach we are adopting in the development of our offer sees a shift from