His fishing success includes among others
Clanwilliam Bass Classic
Clanwilliam Summer Classic
Theewaterskloof Summer Classic
Albert Falls Bass Classic
- six wins
and six top 10 finishes
- four wins
- four wins
and four top 10 finishes
- one win
and three top 10 finishes
Apart from the skill he's acquired over years of fishing
compe vely, he a ributes his success (especially
recently) to the role Lowrance has played.
He says, “Lowrance has leading edge technology that
is consistently pushing the envelope for Bass Anglers
and the quality of the product and their technical
services available con nue to assist me every me in
am out on the water!”
Since taking over as SABAA President, he has made
great progress in standardising a number of func ons
within SABAA which he firmly believes will vastly
increase the membership base.
He has also been selected to a end the Bass World
Championships on five occasions, but due to work
commitments and other considera ons, has only
been able to a end two of these. He has been a major
player on the organising commi ee of the recent
World Championships on the Vaal, and no doubt was
a large part of the huge success of this pres gious
Interna onal event.
As they say the “apple does not fall far from the tree”
and Craig's son Jason, is fast developing a name for
himself. He's been fishing compe vely since the age
of 12 and has been awarded Junior Protea colours
including Captaincy.
Craig is passionate about developing and growing the
sport in both the Senior and Junior divisions. The
Premier League Series ini ated seven years ago
con nues to grow annually and one of his aims is to
get regular TV coverage of future events.
Lowrance SA would like to congratulate
ON THE 13th Black Bass World Championships!
lowrance south
south africa