FISHING “This video was shot a
few days ago down at
Sezela KZN South Coast.
Using my Lowrance
Hook 4 combo unit, I
managed to locate the
bait fish si ng at mid-
depth and waited
pa ently for the Tuna to
come through.
Here's a new video from our popular
brand ambassador - Roscoe
Rautenbach. Although not a close-up
shot, you can see in the
o n e f ra m e t h at my
Lowrance unit displays a
good bait showing
underneath me.
Roscoe says:
A li le dip in the water
while figh ng the fish
and reaching for my
f r i e n d ' s ga ff a d d e d
some humour to the
morning, which I was
lucky enough to catch
on my GoPro.
My Hook 4 combo unit,
paired with the Nocqua
ba ery setup, is my
most prized and
valuable combina on.
They get packed first
thing the night before,
along with the rest of my
tackle setup.”
lowrance south africa