Fi�h Grade
God ’ s mercy in the lives of David and the Kings that follow him . Psalm 18:30 reminds us that God ' s way is perfect and good all the time . In science , we will kick off the year by learning about environments . Students will make observations about detailed and different environments , which they create in class . During ELA , students are immersed in written word through reading and writing routines plus a variety of opportunities for kinesthetic and collaborative learning . Students will read personal narratives , identifying the elements of the genre . �roughout the unit , they will use these elements in writing a variety of their own personal narratives . In math , the month of August is best utilized to solidify foundations . �is includes building our math community , understanding how we will operate , and introducing essential math vocabulary . A�er this introductory period , Unit 1 introduces the fundamental concepts of : place value , integrating base-ten understanding , written notation , and spoken numbers . Students will then use this understanding to compare two multi-digit numbers . �e unit concludes with students rounding multi-digit numbers to any place value .
Fi�h Grade
We are excited for a wonderful year in fi�h grade ! Our team can ’ t wait to see how the Lord will work in mighty ways throughout our time together . A�er a brief review , we will pick up where fourth grade le� off in the Bible , reading about the history of the nation of Israel a�er King Solomon . In ELA , students will focus on reading , writing , speaking , and listening in the genre of personal narratives . Examining and utilizing the features of the genre in composing works about their own lives helps students reflect on , as well as make meaning from , their own experiences . In math , the month of August is best utilized to solidify foundations for our classroom . �is includes several lessons that build our math community , help students understand the way a class will operate , and introduce essential math vocabulary . A�er this introductory period , Unit 1 explains how the place value system is central to understanding decimals . In science , students will learn about lab safety and will begin investigations with analyzing everyday systems and subsystems . �ey will also make a worm habitat that they will observe over time .
Exploratory Updates
“ Whatever you do , work at it with all your heart , as working for the Lord , not for human masters .” Col . 3:23 God has made each person in His image and is calling us to be creative just as He is the master Creator . My name is Rachel Jones , and I am looking forward to another wonderful year in the art room teaching kindergarten through fi�h grade . I am also calling your child to be creative this year , and to work in art for God ’ s glory , doing their best with their whole heart . If you are new to CPA , I would love for you to visit the art room and meet me the first week of school . We will once again be posting all major art projects on Artsonia . �is program not only lets us share artwork with friends and relatives far away , it keeps all your children ’ s artwork together in a portfolio throughout your LS years and offers us a wonderful way to earn funds for the art program through customized keepsakes . �is summer , two new display cabinets with lights were purchased using Artsonia funds . Feel free to look at Artsonia . com and watch for an email from them with your child ’ s login code ( new students only ). Lastly , if you would like to volunteer to help in the art room this year please let me know . I have a variety of jobs each month and wonderful room moms that will help get you plugged in where you feel comfortable .