Lower School Newsletter August 2024 LS Newsletter Aug. 24 | Page 3

Spiritual Life
Student Health
students who completed the optional summer reading challenge coloring page can take it to Ms . Nesbitt in the LS library on CPA Day for a prize ! Refer to the library section of this newsletter for more details on how summer reading will be reviewed during library class .
To help provide teachers insight on student learning and guide their instructional strategies and intervention to begin this school year , all lower school students will complete Aimsweb fall benchmark testing in both reading and math during the week of August 26 . Students in kindergarten through first grade will complete this testing one-on-one with their teacher over the first month of school . Results will be shared and interpreted with parents during fall conferences .
Spiritual Life
As we gather together on Monday mornings for LS chapel this school year , we will worship together through song and Scripture . Our focus this year will be working our way through the gospel of Mark looking at what Scripture shows us about the person and work of Jesus . If your family would like to dig into Mark together , Mark ' s Marvellous Book : Learning about Jesus through the Gospel by Alan Mann could serve as a great family devotional .
Lastly , the songs we sing in praise to God play an invaluable role in shaping how we think about God , how we talk about God , and how we talk to God . �e songs we sing in chapel include Scripture songs , hymns from past generations , and more modern hymns . We aim to include songs that are singable for children as well as provide a rich vocabulary for them to grow since songs remain in our long term memory far more easily than spoken words . Here is a LS Spotify playlist of the songs that rotate through our chapel time as well as a few additional songs that have time tested lyrics that have encouraged believers through the ages .
Student Health
Please take a moment to update your child ’ s medical and contact information in MyCPA .
Emergency Contact Phone Numbers Important health history and information regarding your child Insurance Information
�is is located on the Medical tab of your child ’ s MyCPA profile . �is information helps Academy nurses provide optimal care for each student . Please notify the school nurse if your child will require medication during the school day . �is includes daily medication dosing and also emergency medication such as insulin , Epi pen , or albuterol .

Grade-Level Updates

Welcome to kindergarten ! It is a year of exploration , discovery , and learning ! We will start our kindergarten journey learning about God ’ s creation and how we live in response to our Creator . We will continue to learn throughout the year about who God is , how He made us , and how that shapes the way we treat others . Needless to say , kindergarten is such a fun and exciting year , and we look forward to partnering with you . We will spend our first days together getting to know each other , learning routines , finding our way around CPA , and meeting exploratory teachers through several fun activities . Please note that our first day together , �ursday , August 8 is