You don't need makeup to cover up your true beauty
Or diet pills to slim your kindness down
When you start to drown in these
expectations placed on you by a corrupt society
You better examine the miracle of your existence
Because you, you are worth more than your waistline
You're worth the beautiful thoughts you think.
You're worth the daring dreams you dream.
You're worth the amazing art you create around you
every day that you are here.
You're worth all the memories you share forever with the people who do matter.
But sometimes we tend to forget that
It's normal.
We forget who we truly are
Because we live in a world
Where we are pulled out of the womb by the media
And told our first words
Skinny, Pretty, Perfect girl.
Muscular, Pretty, Perfect boy.
But I don't care whether it's your weight, your gender, or where your love lies.
None of that matters, because you are you
And no one else can tell you any other.
You're a goddamn treasure.
A blessing, and a miracle.
Whether you want to believe it, or not.
You Are.