Low Carb Mag July 2015 | Page 45

but Dr Dan and I always joke – it’s our favorite topic to talk about. of NomNom Paleo came up to me and said, you’re going to talk about sex on your panel on Sunday, right? I said, what?! The panel was a Beyond Food Panel, so I put together this group of people. It was Daryl Edwards, Kyle Maynard, Dr. Dan Stickler and Steve Kirsch of The Paleo Drummer and we were going to talk about all these things that I have been talking about here – stress management, sleep, just basic lifestyle stuff, mindfulness. She said, you’re going to talk about sex, right? I was like, okay, why not? So I went to Tony Federico, our moderator and said, I need you to slip in a sex question for me and I don’t even remember how he brought it up Dr. Dan really specializes in hormones . In fact, he’s still in the process of straightening my hormones out now. He does a lot of hormone therapy work and he has done amazing stuff. So what we’re seeing is that once people start this paleo lifestyle, all of a sudden their libido returns especially women. It’s because we’re in our premenopausal phase so we’re like our eggs are last ditch effort - got to get them out there. I always say, if you’re in your late 30s or early 40s and you’re a woman and you have no sex drive, you have serious stuff going on in your body and you need to get that checked out. Unfortunately, the diet doesn’t always just do it enough so you might need hormone therapy, some panels