backaches. So
we got into a
discussion, are
you willing to
change your
beds so I can
sleep with you
or do I have to
sleep on your
couch every
time I come
to visit you?
KK: hahaha
oh yeah!
The paleo
lifestyle can
really screw up
That’s why there’s this
big paleo dating sites
that people have tried
to make groups and
stuffs just so you can
make people understand
why everybody is in
agreement on it.
AB: That’s a great idea!
We should be looking
into a paleo dating….
KK: Exactly! There was
one site at one time.
AB: Just not in bed
I don’t know if it ever
got kicked off but there
should be more of that.
because you’re going
to mess up your bed.
AB: I am going to skip
KK: Right, it’s a
our discussion and go
straight to the big one
– the sex question.
You know as French
people, it’s either
food or sex. What’s
your take on that?
KK: hahahaha…
Can I be food and sex?
little messy.
I used to talk a lot
about sexuality
and in the work
that I’m doing now
. It cracked me up
when I was at the
Presenter Dinner in
Austin for PaleoFx
and Michelle Tam